WHO - First global conference on climate change and health August 2014,
The World Health Organization (WHO) will host the first global conference on
climate change and health from 27 to 29 August 2014 at its headquarters in
Geneva. The three day conference will bring together leading experts. The
purpose is to develop a shared vision of how the health sector can best prepare
for climate change, and to highlight the health benefits of climate actions.
The outcomes will inform the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit in
September 2014, as well as discussions on climate change and sustainable
development taking place later this year.
The health and sustainable development community is mobilized behind evidence-based mechanisms and interventions to mutually reinforce health and climate policy, to programme and enhance climate resilient health systems, and support health-promoting climate change mitigation policies.
Two main topics will be discussed at the conference:
1. Strengthening health system resilience to climate risks
This thematic area will cover increasing health system resilience to climate-sensitive health risks such as extreme weather events, climate-sensitive communicable diseases, and threats to food, water and food security. It will include a focus on targeting protection towards the most vulnerable populations and stages of the life course, identification of effective interventions, and will work towards developing consensus on an operational framework defining the main health system functions to increase health system resilience to climate variability and change.
2. Promoting health while mitigating climate change
This thematic area will cover opportunities to improve health while also controlling climate pollutants. It will focus on key sectors, such as health, energy, and transport, and include specific consideration of the extent to which the health sector can lead by example in providing better services while reducing its own environmental impact, and the potential for economic savings through reduction in the large burden of non-communicable disease associated with air pollution. It will also cover opportunities to further advance collaborative mechanisms, such as the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.
Within each of these themes the conference will make recommendations on (i) policy options to maximize health benefits; and (ii) the specific contribution of the health sector to the objectives. These themes will also form the basis for two parallel workshop sessions during the conference.

- Climate Change And Health Conference May 2014, LONDON - POSSIBLE
to an email received on the 12th of April 2014, the CCAHC Scientific
Committee cordially invite you to attend the 14th Climate Change & Health Conference to be held in Ibis Garden Hotel, from 16th - 18th May, 2014.
The CCAHC 2014 event promises unrivalled learning and networking opportunities for the general public. Invited speakers are experts from multiple sectors and disciplines. Case studies of successful collaborations of environment, nutrition and public health across a wide range of issues.
The main theme for this year's poster session is: "Impacts of Climate Change in Health and Nutrition"
While this is the main theme for the poster session it is not exclusive and you are welcome to submit a poster outside of this theme.
CCAHC 2014 showcases another exceptional programme with the latest scientific and best practice consensus on sustainable environment, biometeorological adaptation, global warming, climate change, waste management, greenhouse gas, pollution control, heart health, obesity, weight management, diabetes, child health, gut health, food sensitivity, healthy living and many other hot topics.
* Receive current updates on a range of topics, from leaders and expert practitioners.
* Understand the latest scientific research in detail and discover its implications for your work.
* Explore and debate controversial topics, discuss what is best for your clients and patients.
* Sponsorship of air ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem.
* Enhance your skill set and progress your career.
* Network with hundreds of other professionals involved in diet, nutrition, environment, health and lifestyle.
* Participate in the Exhibitor Trail and win prizes!
* Present your research, project, product or campaign, attract attention and promote your achievements
Registration is free of charge for participants from developing countries.
Fax or e-mail up to 300 words describing your proposed paper before 25th April 2014. The paper will then be sent to the Advisory Board for evaluation and authors will be given feedback on or before 25th April 2014. The highest rated papers will be invited to present at the conference.
Professor Jon Lloyd
- Conference Chair
Maple House, 37-45 City Road, London EC1Y 1AT, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0)70 8764 2424 | +44 (0)70 2404 4920
Fax: +44 (0)843 562 2173
for a verified Professor Jon Lloyd:

a message to the WHO that you want clean transport for cleaner air and a
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World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: + 41 22 791 21 11
Facsimile (fax): + 41 22 791 31 11
http://www.osce.org Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe