Navi-Sailor 4000 - ECDIS integrated MFD system
Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS ECDIS is a computer-based navigation information system compliant with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper nautical charts. An
ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts (ENC) and integrates position information from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), gyrocompass, speed log, other navigational sensors, radar and automatic identification systems (AIS). Transas delivers a full range of type-approved ECDIS solutions that can be stand-alone or part of the Integrated Navigation Systems or Multifunctional Display i.e. Radar, Conning, Alarm Management, Track Control in one workstation. Transas ECDIS provides easy and unique possibilities for customization.
Standard/Standard+ - Premium/Premium+
Each system includes a carefully selected range of standard features, with an extensive range of additional hardware and software options. So whether you’re just beginning your ECDIS journey or seek the ultimate level of information at your fingertips, Transas offer something for every ECDIS user.
• The world’s number one ECDIS
• User friendly navigation tool
• Most evolved ECDIS on the market
• Flexible configuration
• 4-level ECDIS solutions to suit all customers
• MFD functionality and network capability
• Consistent graphic user interface (GUI)
Every Transas MFD workstation (WS) can be equipped with a standard set of software such as ECDIS, Radar, Conning, Chart Assistant utility and SPOS weather module giving the mariner the ability to switch between applications at the touch of a button. All the aforementioned applications are running simultaneously as part of the Multifunction Display.
Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS MFD is available in two packages:
Marine LED Display
• Transas RS6 computer
• Transas ES6 Keyboard
• Transas ES6 Trackball
• Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS Software
• Basic ECDIS Functions
• Docking Mode
• Reference points for mooring operations
• Dual Chart Panel
• Left Chart Panel (conning)
• Special Purpose Objects
• Target Simulator
• Trial Maneuvering
• Ports DB
• Quick distance calculator
• Configuration of Local Workstation
• New GUI and Bridge Configuration (June 2012)
• AIO – Additional information Overlay
• Additional Chart Formats
• Additional Route Planning Functions
• Additional Sensors
• AIS, ARPA and Target Management
• ARPA B (second ARPA)
• Target simulator
• Tides & Currents
• Playback
• Maps (User Charts)
• Navtex Interface Premium+ pack brings the following additional advanced functions: •
Trial Maneuver
• Precise Nav Tools – Predictor/Route AIS RDVZ/CHL
• Advanced planning functions
• E-Log book
• Navi-Conning For both Premium and Premium+ an extensive range of additional hardware solutions and software options are available.
ADVANTAGES: Safe Navigation and Easy Operation. The systems provides all the information you need, via a user-friendly and intuitive menu system.
Information System and Decision Support
A continual flow of information for presentation of the crucial and most needed navigational information and objects.
Choice and Customization
New and practical options enable system customization, including multiple operation modes with charts in up to 7 different formats.
Sensor Integration
Connects all available onboard navigation data sensors and systems, such as: two positioning systems, gyro, log, two ARPAs, AIS, echo sounder, autopilot, navtex and more. Planning and Forecasting Includes powerful tools for passage planning, weather routing and calculation, and environmental tide and current databases. Weather forecasts, with the optional SPOS weather and route planning tool, are integrated with NS 4000.
Direct effects on fuel consumption, voyage times & work time.
Navigator-friendly environment for One Man Bridge operation reduces workload and stress;
• Clear and consistent man-machine interface for intuitive and convenient operation;
• Enhanced functional integration of navigational data;
• System redundancy: all functions of ECDIS, Radar and Conning can be available on all MFD’s onboard;
• Palettes synchronization in all 3 applications;
• Sensor redundancy and double network ensures data integrity and reliability for network
• Intelligent and efficient alarm management;
• Simultaneous Loaded Route monitoring in ECDIS, Radar & Conning;
• ECDIS Master Station status changeover to any MFD station;
• Distribution of radar pictures from all available radars within MFD network;
• Chart correction, route and user database synchronization at all workstations and applications;
• Order charts, charts corrections and weather forecasts online via ship communication station
protected by firewall.

WAVE - fuel monitoring for economical navigation WAVE
Saving Fuel At Sea- Wave provides online decision support where instantaneous consumption as well as consumption per sailed distance is presented in a clear and easy way. Awareness of how speed, trim, draught, and other parameters affect the fuel consumption is crucial if consumption it to be reduced. Wave is installed on the bridge and uses information from the vessel’s navigation sensors, flow meter, engine data and emission sensors. Functionality Minor changes generate major savings – Just making small changes to speed, trim and planned route, can lead to significant fuel savings and reduced environmental impact. Wave includes these, plus a range of additional parameters that can lead to savings of more than 5%. The most important factor, however, is that this information is presented clearly and gives instant feedback to your input. Saving fuel and reducing environmental impact is crucial in today’s shipping industry. Rising fuel costs and an ever-increasing awareness of the factors affecting the environment mean that we must all take responsibility for minimizing consumption. Advantages:
• Modular and flexible design;
• Scalable system;
• Available soon: Wave as an integrated part of the ECDIS;
• Ready for new requirements.
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E-mail: med-sales@transas.com
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E-mail: info@transas.de
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E-mail: hellas@transas.com
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E-mail: info@transas.com.hk
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Phone: +353 21 4 710 400
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E-mail: info@transas.com
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Phone: +39 010 3200 576
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E-mail: info-it@transas.com
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E-mail: baltic@transas.com
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Phone: +31 10 4285 599
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E-mail: benelux@transas.com
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Phone: +47 91 70 50 60
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E-mail: sales@transas.no
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Phone: +48 58 774 72 83
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E-mail: sales@transas.de
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Phone: +7 495 748 35 80
Fax: +7 495 748 32 46
E-mail: moscow@transas.com
Transas Moscow UAV Branch, Russia
Aviakonstructora Mikoyana, 12, Moscow, 125252, Russia
Phone: +7 495 748 35 77
Fax: +7 495 748 35 87
E-mail: uav@transas.com
Transas Marine Pacific Pte Ltd., Singapore
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Phone: +65 627 10 200
Fax: +65 627 10 300
E-mail: info.asia@transas.com
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Hauptstrasse 85, 4437 Waldenburg, Switzerland
Transas Marine Black Sea, Istanbul, Turkey
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Phone: +90 216 337 08 52
Fax: +90 216 405 29 30
E-mail: BlackSea@transas.com
Transas Ukraine Ltd, Nikolaev, Ukraine
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Phone: +380 512 507 116
Fax: +380 512 507 117
E-mail: BlackSea@transas.com
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Phone: +97 14 357 3625
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E-mail: tme@transas.com
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Phone: +44 23 9267 4000
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E-mail: tmuk.sales@transas.com
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Phone: +1 425 486 2100
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E-mail: sales@transasusa.com
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16633 Dallas Parkway 6th Floor, Suite 600 Addison, Texas 75001