A WASTE - millions of tons of recoverable materials are flushed out to sea
everyday. Not only is our throwaway society inefficient, but we're also
killing fish, marine mammals and birds by the millions with no real
redress mechanism to deal with waste disposal offenders, because at the
moment just about everyone is to blame for their apathy. Zero tolerance
should be the target if we are to stage an ocean recovery for sustainable blue
growth. Autonomous vessels like SeaVax
could be the lead technology as the world strives for a circular economy.
This three-day conference covers not only the challenges of testing and developing autonomous maritime technology, but also the legal implications, the potential economic benefits for fleet owners, safety and security issues and, most importantly, how to develop a universal regulatory framework.

- What the deck of a semi-autonomous cargo ship might look like in the
future. Onece the legal framework has been established such that cargo and
cruise line operators might attain insurance, this will pave the way for
more efficient, green
marine transport in the quest for a truly sustainable society.
Autonomous navigation technology
Automated onboard systems
Automation software
Maritime remote control technology
Potential economic benefits
Legal implications
Environmental impact
Maritime regulations - COLREGS,
Testing and validation
Cyber security
Impact on maritime workforce and human factors
Maritime insurance
Reliability testing of software and hardware systems
Case studies and research projects
Remote satellite communications
speaker line up has yet to be announced ...... See call for papers below if

Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre (commonly known as Amsterdam RAI) is a complex of conference and exhibition halls in the Zuidas business district of Amsterdam,
Netherlands. It gives its name to the nearby Amsterdam RAI railway station. The 1970
Eurovision Song Contest was held at the RAI.
RAI Amsterdam is easy to reach by both public transport or by car and has ample parking facilities on and
off site. RAI Amsterdam is situated 8 minutes from Amsterdam’s city centre and 15 minutes from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
As the facilitating party, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre creates the ideal conditions for inspiring meetings to take place in and strong ties to develop in.
Opened in 1961, the RAI welcomed its 75 millionth visitor in February 2001. Up to 2 million
people visit the RAI every year. Some 50 international conferences and 70 trade shows are held at the RAI annually. The complex consists of 22 conference rooms and 11 halls and has a total floor space of 87,000 m˛. The largest hall can seat 12,900 people. The complex also includes a
musical and concert theatre and underground parking space for over 3,000
The RAI completed construction of a 47 metres tall expansion named Elicium in 2009, serves as Europe’s largest conference center.
RAI Amsterdam
1078 GZ Amsterdam
PO.Box 77777
NL 1070 MS Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 20 549 1212
T: +31 (0) 20 549 1927
E: hotelservices@rai.nl
GPS coordinates (For navigation devices as TomTom and
Longitude (E): 4.8912807311965 Latitude (N): 52.3418505714961

map and link to Google to help you plan your journey
The origins of the RAI complex can be traced back to 1893, when the trade association RI (Rijwiel-Industrie, Dutch for "Bicycle Industry") was founded by a number of bicycle manufacturers. The first bicycle trade show of the RI was held in 1895 at the Paleis voor Volksvlijt ("Palace of Industry") building in Amsterdam. In 1900 the RI changed its name to RAI (Rijwiel en Automobiel Industrie) because many of its members had started manufacturing automobiles in addition to bicycles.
In 1922 the RAI occupied an exhibition hall of its own on the Ferdinand Bolstraat in Amsterdam. This building, the "old RAI", was replaced by the current building complex on Europaplein square, which was opened by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands on February 2, 1961. The RAI trade association still owns 75% of the complex, with the remainder in the hands of the municipality of Amsterdam.

ROYCE - This famous maker of jet engines and marine craft have been
working on making autonomous ships a reality with the European Commission
funded HP7 MUNIN
The organisers of
the Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018 are now calling for key speakers to propose suitable presentations for potential inclusion in the 2018 symposium, which will run for three days alongside Marine Maintenance World Expo and Conference 2018, Maritime & Naval Test & Development Symposium 2018 and Electric & Hybrid Marine World Expo and Conference 2018.
will need to agree with the organizers that the information you provide will be considered for inclusion in the conference schedule and used for publishing in the conference programme and
conference proceedings should your proposal be accepted for the conference.
You will also need to agree to submit a required "finalized" PowerPoint presentation no later than 19th May 2018 and not to make the presentation available to other conferences or magazines prior to
the Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018. This is so that visitors can
be assured of an original take on subjects presented and the possibility of
asking questions on hot topics of any speaker.
For details, contact:
Andrew Boakes, Conference Director
Tel: +44 (0) 1306 743744
Fax: +44 (0) 1306 742525
Email: andrew.boakes@ukimediaevents.com

Entry to Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018
Entry to Marine Maintenance World Conference 2018
Entry to Electric & Hybrid Marine World Conference 2018
Entry to Maritime & Naval Test & Development Symposium 2018
Proceedings access to those conferences attended
Networking drinks reception
VIP delegate and speaker dining
3-day pass:
€2,450 + VAT 2-day pass: €2,250 + VAT
Entry to Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018
Entry to ONE OTHER conference or symposium
Proceedings access to those conferences attended
Networking drinks reception
VIP delegate and speaker dining
3-day pass: €2,050 + VAT 2-day pass: €1,910 + VAT
Entry to Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium 2018
Proceedings access to those conferences attended
Networking drinks reception
VIP delegate and speaker dining
3-day pass: €1,750 + VAT 2-day pass: €1,610 + VAT
Group Bookings
Receive an extra 10% discount on each registration for a group booking (2+ delegates) by making them on the same date, from the same company.
For information regarding sponsorship opportunities, contact:
Mike Robinson, Director, Conferences
Tel: +44 (0) 1306 743744
Fax: +44 (0) 1306 742525
Email: mike.robinson@ukimediaevents.com
For press-related enquiries, contact:
Peter Haynes, PR Director
Tel: +44 (0) 1306 743744
Fax: +44 (0) 1306 742525
Email: peter.haynes@ukimediaevents.com

The technology is
applied for, with additional improvement filings to be prepared from the
research (much of which will be open source) such that free licenses may be
granted to collaborative partners for ocean
regeneration, nautical surveys and similar social enterprises.

& REFERENCE http://www.autonomousshipsymposium.com/en/