The Bluebird CN7 is a gas turbine jet-engined car that was designed by Ken and Lewis Norris (brothers) for Donald Campbell's K7 Bluebird.
The Corgi model shown on this page is of the original car which was destroyed in 1960. The later version that was reconstructed by Motor Panels, is the one Campbell used for his successful world record attempt in 1964, distinguished by its large vertical tail fin.
Donald Campbell's CN7 without the tail fin
This is the second version of the Corgi model. It replaced the car from the previous year, the one with turned alloy wheels and rubber tyres (153), this one (153a) has solid plastic wheels . There are variations to the decal on the nose of the car. They are sometimes crossed Union Jack & US Stars & Stripes, sometimes two Union Jacks, sometimes crossed US flags and sometimes there is a blue bird, sometimes not, the 1:1 car at Beaulieu has the bird and crossed UK and Australian flags. The decal you get is random, there does not seem to be any relationship to the model, 153 or 153a, nor does it have any effect seemingly on value, all versions of the Bluebird are, not surprisingly, valued at around the same figure, because collectors want the set, not just the final version.
This is a lovely model for any collector to want to put into his display case.
Donald Campbell died trying to improve on his own record. In the 1960s there was a £20,000 prize for significant improvements on the WSR. This could be one reason that DC made so many attempts. One could easily understand that that prize money was a powerful incentive to break the record again and again - such as to generate an income. At the time of his death he was married to Tonia Bern. We cannot begin to imagine how Tonia suffered from the loss of her heroic husband. She is due to give a talk on this subject in July of 2014.
The K7 on its final run 4 January 1967
Campbell's last words on his final run were, via radio intercom:
Bluebird CN7 Corgi diecast model 1961 Coniston-power-boat-records-week-gets-underway-k777-is-launched Bluebird-lookalike-takes-a-trip-on-coniston-water Curse-Bluebird-Replica-Campbells-speedboat-sinks-Coniston
The Bluebird legend lives on: The first road car to use our blue bird trademark is the electrically powered Ecostar DC50, a long distance runner that uses cartridges to recharge instantly (in under a minute). This is achieved with built in Bluebird™ power loaders, enabling the car to recharge at any road stop where a cartridge is waiting to be picked up. The DC50 may be upgraded for clubman circuit events.
website is Copyright © 2014 Bluebird Marine Systems Limited.
The names Bluebird™, Blueplanet BE3™,
Ecostar DC50™,
and the blue bird in flight