‘The shape of shipping in 10 years’ time’, will be one of the key themes for London International Shipping Week 2015 with the focus being on the important role industry, government and supranational authorities can play in helping shipping propel world trade.
Addressing an official LISW2015 launch event in London, Jeremy Penn, CEO of The
Baltic Exchange and Chairman of the LISW Steering Group, underlined the importance of Government and industry working together as shipping looks to shape itself to meet the demands of the next decade.
He said: “It is all about innovation in shipping but this can only be achieved if there is joined up partnership between industry and Government. We want LISW2015, and the conference in particular, to help people think about the shape of shipping in 10 years’ time. What role will China be playing then; and how will India and Africa’s importance and influence have changed? How can shipping achieve the necessary 30%-40% reduction in operating costs as opposed to just 5% or 10%?”
London International Shipping Week 2015, which will build on the success of the inaugural event in 2013, will take place from September 7 to 11 throughout London with some
UK regional events also being staged to highlight the strength and breadth of the UK’s maritime sector.
Leaders from every sector of the global shipping industry will descend on London during the week to take part in influential meetings, seminars and functions, culminating in a high level industry shipping conference and spectacular gala dinner.
More than 100 industry functions will provide a unique set of opportunities for leaders across all sectors of the international shipping industry and associated businesses including regulators, charterers, ship owners, ship managers,
bunker suppliers, commodity traders and brokers, ship suppliers, port operators, insurers and shipping service providers.
LISW 2015 will be the ‘must attend’ event of the year and is organised by Shipping Innovation in association with the UK Department for Transport, The Baltic Exchange, Maritime London, Maritime UK, the UK Chamber of Shipping, UK Major Ports Group and The CityUK, the independent promotional body for UK financial and professional services.
The packed calendar of events already has the support of key maritime organisations, including global communications specialist Inmarsat, DGS Marine Group, international law firms Ince & Co, Norton Rose Fulbright and Holman Fenwick Willan, Lloyd’s Register Marine, The Baltic Exchange, Willis, Hill Dickinson, The Standard Club, Mersey Maritime, Associated British Ports (ABP), Bibby Ship Management, Brookes Bell Group, Clyde & Co, Gibraltar Port Authority, Port of London Authority, Port2Port, Nautilus International, ReedSmith, ShipAssist, Videotel and The Charterers P&I Club.

Dr Pierre C. Sames from DNV GL, introduced the Vessels for the Future initiative at the
European Shipping Week in Brussels
on the 3rd of March 2015. The aim of the new research association being to spur maritime transport’s competitiveness.
Launched in November 2014, over 50 companies, research institutes, academic organizations and interested associations have already signed up to take part in the initiative to work towards a more sustainable European transport
system. Dr Sames is quoted as saying: “Aiming at a private public partnership is important not only as it allows us to have a coordinated research, development and implementation (RDI) programme which covers both vessels and waterborne operations, but it demonstrates a clear commitment from all stakeholders to meet the ambitious goals of the
The initiative focuses on the three key areas for the maritime transport cluster: safe and efficient waterborne transport and competitiveness of the maritime sector in
Europe. Vessels for the Future has set ambitious goals in a 2050 perspective: an 80 per cent reduction in
CO2 and 100 per cent reduction in SOx and NOx emissions, and a reduction in risk by a factor of 10.
Five maritime technologies are seen as vital to unlocking greater efficiencies and improving environmental performance: new materials and processes, fuels and propulsion systems, information and communication technology (incl. e-maritime), hull water interaction, energy management and novel vessel design concepts. In addition, Vessels for the Future aims at creating the first European vessel demonstrator to test new technologies at ship level. Advances in these areas are also capable to strengthen industrial competitiveness and job creation in our sector.
By developing energy efficient and safe vessels (or vessels for the future), the initiative will address the societal challenge of moving towards sustainable transport. At the same time it will maintain the cutting edge design, manufacturing and innovative production capacities, having a positive impact on employment and the global
competitiveness of the European economy.
“We are now looking forward to taking more action on this initiative,” said Dr Sames. “The programme has the potential to greatly increase the introduction of innovative enabling waterborne technologies. And the focus on demonstrating the cost vs. performance benefits of the innovations will ensure that they find a place in the market. This will further improve the profitability of industrial research by increasing market share, thereby enabling more investment in long term technological competitiveness. The next step for our initiative is to engage with the EU Commission to move towards a contractual private public partnership.”

At a press on the 3rd of March 2015 ECSA presented the results of a recent update of the Oxford Economics study on the economic value of the EU shipping industry, which highlights the industry’s important contribution to the EU economy based on new and more reliable data.
According to the study, the overall contribution of the European shipping industry to the EU’s GDP in 2013 is estimated to have been €147
billion. Moreover, for every €1 million the European shipping industry contributes to GDP itself, it creates another €1.6 million elsewhere in the European economy.
In terms of employment, the industry provided jobs to an estimated 2.2 million people both on board vessels and ashore in the wider maritime cluster. The industry directly employs more workers than the aviation sector, while, between 2004 and 2013, direct employment grew by 25%. Moreover, EU shipping is far more productive in terms of GDP generated per worker than the EU average.
‘Europe controls the world’s largest and most innovative fleet of ships’ remarked Patrick Verhoeven, ECSA Secretary General, adding ‘this very important fact is often overlooked despite the fact that it plays a key role in the economic impact of our industry on the European economy’.
As the study shows, the ultimate ownership or control of 40% of the world’s gross tonnage lies in an EU country. What is more, the EU controlled fleet has grown strongly. Between the start of 2005 and the start of 2014, the EU controlled fleet expanded by more than 74% in tonnage, and by 72% in terms of deadweight tonnage.
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financial support to kickstart innovative technology projects (and
create jobs), startup companies without a trading track
record or industrial allies, are forced to go it alone at a crawl. The
above is a Phase 1 feasibility study paid for entirely by BMS Ltd, because
the funding rules do not favour startups. Banks will not lend and
even venture capitalists baulk at such ground breaking innovation that
provides a service without profit.
SeaVax ZCC (Zero Carbon Cruiser) platform promises truly emission free
transport on our oceans. Just as well, as this marine robot is designed to
vacuum up ocean plastic waste - without adding the the pollution. The company is looking for EU collaborative partners for the
2020 call. SeaVax uses a revolutionary energy
harvesting system. This vessel pays for itself in diesel
fuel saved every ten years - and could significantly improve the
quality of fish stocks, by keeping toxic ocean plastic at bay.
