THE 2016 EVENT - Robots invade Paris at Innorobo
Europe’s leading international robotics event, Innorobo, now in its sixth year, opened its doors on Tuesday for the first time in Paris. Open to industry professionals and casual visitors alike, the passionate and curious can venture into this unique ecosystem of cutting-edge technology and robotic inventions bringing together professionals from across the sector, including research labs, startups and backers of innovative projects.
The event provides a unique showcase for state-of-the-art robotics technologies, featuring conferences with renowned experts as well as a host of workshops. This year’s robot stars include Socibot, which talks and sings, Nao, a robotic dancer and storyteller, Buddy, a companion robot that can keep an eye on your house when you’re away, and Sheldon, a fully automated butler!
This high-tech innovative trade show also highlights the fantastic opportunities heralded by this sector in France, underpinned by high-quality research, outstanding training programs, and great entrepreneurial spirit.

Innorobo est un sommet européen entièrement dédié aux technologies robotiques et aux innovations de rupture qui répondent aux enjeux sociétaux majeurs.
Il réunit un vaste écosystème d’affaires, composé de leaders et décideurs de grands groupes et de start-up, de centres de recherche et de formation, d’institutions publiques et de fournisseurs de technologies ou de services, d’investisseurs et des médias.
À Innorobo, des dirigeants d’un grand nombre d’industries viennent découvrir les dernières innovations technologiques, pour les tourner en avantage concurrentiel et saisir les opportunités de croissance.
Innorobo 2017 Paris se tiendra en mai. Les dates annoncées sont encore provisoires.
Plus d’informations : www.innorobo.com
+ Google Agenda+ Exporter vers iCal
Début : 16 mai 2017
Fin : 18 mai 2017
Catégorie d’Évènement: Evènements hors Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Étiquettes Évènement : cobotique, conférence, évènement, IA, industrie du futur, intelligence artificielle, Paris
Site Web : https://innorobo.com
Organisateur: Innoecho
Téléphone : +33 4 83 07 62 81
Site Web : http://www.innoecho.com 
From Tuesday 16th May 2017 to Thursday 18th May 2017
2017 INNOROBO makes a new start in Paris. This is the first time that a fair on Robotics and ground-breaking innovation will be held in Paris. Rendezvous for this 3 days exhibition dedicated to the presentation of the Art of world robotics in several exhibition halls, conferences with renowned specialists, workshops and demonstrations areas - the 2017 programme will soon be online.
The exhibition will expose robotic technologies over a large variety of business markets and sectors on the following themes :
* Smart Cities
* Technologies and prospective
* Medical Robotics and health
* Industries 4.0
* Smart Homes
* Field Robotics
From 2017, the notion of hosting a turning event in Europe desired by Innoecho, the organizing company of Innorobo, gives a greater dimension to it – Innorobo, the most important European event in world robotics. It answers to the needs of visitors and local specificities that matter in the world of robotics. 
Innorobo is a European summit of the world robotics community. The last’s year’s edition, was held in Lyon, France and gathered together over 200 exhibitors from all around the globe, 350 speakers, world experts and CEOs and senior managers from companies that design or use today’s and tomorrow’s robotics technologies.
For this year’s edition, the 6th Innorobo is taking on a new dimension, as for the first time, it will be held in Paris. “We will now be changing host cities on a regular basis in order to get even closer to industry professionals, local companies and European decision-makers. This is why Innorobo 2016 will be held at the Docks de
Paris from 24 to 26 May 2016.” says Catherine Simon, Innorobo founder.
The three-day exhibition realizes a state of the art of robotics technologies from around the world, with a large exhibition hall, conferences featuring renowned specialists in the field and a number of workshops and demonstration areas.
Robotic technologies and systems offer solutions for the major challenges our society is facing and help to improve our quality of life.
Innorobo showcases robotics technologies to a wide range of industries, promoting cross-innovation and providing players in a number of sectors with new opportunities for growth and diversification. Like Internet, robotics technologies are nearly boundless, helping to shape innovation throughout society as a whole.
Innorobo 2016 brings together all of these sectors in 6 core themes rolled out for the 2015 edition:
* Smart Cities;
* Technologies & Foresight;
* Medical & Health;
* Factories of the Future;
* Smart Homes;
* Field
“Innorobo 2015 was 30% bigger than the 2014 edition, illustrating the 12% growth in the industrial robotics sector and 28% expansion of the personal service robotics market in 2014,” said Catherine Simon, CEO of Innoecho, during her presentation of the results of this year’s event. “In 2015, Innorobo exhibitors displayed a host of robotics innovations for the first time in France, or even in Europe, proving just how dynamic this sector is.”
- Cyberdroid and Pepper and two humanoid service robots for shops and
PARIS: Pepper, a friendly service robot who can read people's emotions, was the star of this year's Innorobo robotics expo in Paris, following an announcement that the humanoid robot would hit European markets this year.
Standing at 120 cm (47 inches) tall, Pepper looks like a small child, and is designed to perform services and interact with humans.
The robot was developed by robotics company SoftBank and has already made waves in Japan, as an innovative new take on customer service.
In France, Pepper has been tested in various roles, including working at French supermarket Carrefour, helping travellers in train stations and on cruise ships.
"People are more and more curious, slowly but surely ... We've noticed the public really likes Pepper, there's a lot of interaction with her, much more than with an interactive drone for example," said Softbank Robotics Communications Director Aurore Chicot.
Pepper uses visual and aural cues to assess the emotions of people it interacts with, as visitors of the Innorobo expo saw on a digital tablet displayed on the robot's front side.
Payments company MasterCard on Wednesday also announced a partnership with Pizza Hut Restaurants Asia to bring the humaoid to its restaurants by the end of 2016.
Visitors said they have accepted the pace at which robotics is advancing, and that it's gradual enough to not cause panic.
"The panic comes from the fact that we imagine fully developed robots today. But the problem is that robots will evolve at the same time as we do, so it will happen slowly. We don't realize anything now, we will evolve with them. There won't be this kind of break, where all of a sudden there are robots immersed in our day to day lives," said Yves Gellie, an artist who was visiting the expo.
Innorobo is an annual European expo dedicated to robotics and tech innovations.
More than 19 different countries were represented at the sixth installment, with 200 exhibitors presenting novelties from toys to educational companions and medical apparatuses. CALL FOR INNOVATION
Innorobo launches a Call for Robotics Innovations!
Time has come to promote advances in robotics technology that make a concrete contribution to sustainable humankind. Following start-ups, the competition is now open to any kind and size of organization that will be awarded during the event. The prize will be selected by the winner among several possibilities.
Rules and criteria have been inspired by 2 NGOs:
The Millennium Project: to define the current top 15 Global Challenges we have to face as human beings.
Standard of Evidence of Nesta: that enables the impact of innovations to be measured at a pace and approach that is appropriate to their individual development.
-> Application: as of December, 15th 2016
-> Application closing: February, 17th at midnight.
Rules & Criteria
Application form
The 2017 edition of Innorobo, Europe’s leading summit of the global robotics ecosystem, is launching its new “Call for Robotics Innovation”, which aims to promote advances in robotics technology that make a concrete contribution to sustainable humankind. This new competition is inspired by and based on the principles of the Millennium Project and the Nesta Standards of Evidence, two non-profit initiatives that share Innorobo’s philosophy of fostering innovation that generates not only economic value, but also benefits society by addressing today’s key global challenges head-on.
“We are convinced that any economic player can develop great business, make healthy profits and at the same time, do good for the world, thus creating a more sustainable world through international business development,” explains Catherine Simon, Innorobo’s founder and CEO. “This applies particularly well to robotics, a General Purpose Technology that offers nearly unprecedented power to transform our society in beneficial ways.”
Organizations of all types and sizes wishing to take part in the Call for Robotics Innovations can apply between 15 December 2016 and 17 February 2017 at midnight. The application form can be downloaded here. The selected finalists will present their innovation during a special session at the Innorobo 2017 event, to be held in Paris, France from 16 to 18 May 2017.
“We originally held a ‘Call for Start-ups’, as these new ventures had a hard time getting their share of voice and support from the financial and economic communities,” points out Catherine Simon. “Today, times have changed, and start-ups are widely accepted as playing a major role in the economy. Our event and services are constantly evolving to keep in step with value in use, across real market needs and applications. The time has come for Innorobo to support robotics as a means to alleviate or even solve some of the biggest challenges our society is facing and act upon its tagline: a human approach to disruptive technologies.” VENUE
Location - Dock de Paris Exhibition Center
50, Avenue Président Wilson, La Plaine St Denis 93200 
The 15 Global Challenges provide a framework to assess the global and local prospects for humanity. Their description, with a range of views and actions to addressed each, enriched with regional views and progress assessments are updated each year, since 1996. A short overview is published in the annual State of the Future,while continuous updates and details are available on the Global Futures Intelligence System website: https://themp.org. The 15 Global Challenges are a result of continuous research, Delphi studies, interviews, and participantion of over 4,000 experts from around the world, since 1996 -- see a short history.
The Global Challenges are transnational in nature and
trans-institutional in solution. They cannot be addressed by any government or institution acting alone. They require collaborative action among governments, international organizations, corporations, universities, NGOs, and creative individuals. Although listed in sequence, Challenge 1 on sustainable development and climate change is no more or less important than Challenge 15 on global ethics. There is greater consensus about the global situation as expressed in these Challenges and the actions to address them than is evident in the news media.
The 15 Global Challenges:
1. How can sustainable development be achieved for all while addressing global climate change?
2. How can everyone have sufficient clean water without conflict?
3. How can population growth and resources be brought into balance?
4. How can genuine democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes?
5. How can decisionmaking be enhanced by integrating improved global foresight during unprecedented accelerating change?
6. How can the global convergence of information and communications technologies work for everyone?
7. How can ethical market economies be encouraged to help reduce the gap between rich and poor?
8. How can the threat of new and reemerging diseases and immune micro-organisms be reduced?
9. How can education make humanity more intelligent, knowledgeable, and wise enough to address its global challenges?
10. How can shared values and new security strategies reduce ethnic conflicts, terrorism, and the use of weapons of mass destruction?
11. How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?
12. How can transnational organized crime networks be stopped from becoming more powerful and sophisticated global enterprises?
13. How can growing energy demands be met safely and efficiently?
14. How can scientific and technological breakthroughs be accelerated to improve the human condition?
15. How can ethical considerations become more routinely incorporated into global decisions? ABOUT
Nesta is the UK's innovation foundation. We help people and organisations bring great ideas to life. We do this by providing investments and grants and mobilising research, networks and skills. We are an independent charity and our work is enabled by an endowment from the National Lottery. Nesta is a registered charity in
England, Wales and
Scotland. For more information, visit www.nesta.org.uk.
- A robot used for advertising, unashamedly employing the female form alluredly.
There is nothing new about that, advertising agencies have been doing
that for years using men and women to appeal to targeted audiences - as
long as the robots do not become too clever.
Medical procedures might one day be more complex than they are at
present, given the laser eye surgery and other surgery is already
- [LEFT] Motoko Kusanagi [RIGHT] We are not sure if this robot is a
physical model or a graphic, but whatever it is, Svedka works to the
advantage of the product it is advertising - a major growth area for

Is a research robot that was on display at InnoRobo in 2016
The R5 is a robot designed to be used in space.
STAND No 115 - Side view of what is likely to be the world's largest ocean going vacuum
cleaner when it is launched. This stand was visited by hundreds of delegates
in the two days of the Innovate 2015 event in London. Where this is a
workboat with a huge mouth to scoop up debris, more efficient hulls that
use the same energy harvesting platform may achieve up to 10 knots
continuous cruising speeds in theory, which would be an improvement on PlanetSolar
that managed almost 5 knots across the Atlantic
in ideal conditions.
France /evenemen /innorobo-2017-Paris
UK tourisme 93 innorobo Millennium-project.org/millennium/challenges Engineering.accrea.com/accrea-remedi-project-on-innorobo-2016-in-paris Invest.businessfrance.fr/innorobo-2016-les-robots-ont-envahi-les-docks-de-paris Facebook
EU Paris-innorobo-a-human-robotics-event
News Asia world pepper-the-customer

SHOWCASE 2015 - This is a photo of the display on November 10th 2015 at the Innovate
2015 event. The vehicle and project were not featured at the Robotic Centre
opening, though several of those in attendance are potential partners to
the project. A road show may be on the cards for 2016, if sponsors are
found that are interested in cleaning up our oceans and rivers
- maybe as part of
their corporate responsibility drive. This vessel may also clean up oil
spills, apart from the toxic plastic that is presently choking blue
growth. As a company without a trading track record, Bluebird Marine
Systems do not qualify for funding under any of the schemes presently
run by the Dti and European Commission (Horizon