The 13th BALT-MILITARY-EXPO Baltic Military
Fair will be held between June 24-26, 2014 at the AMBEREXPO Exhibition & Convention Centre, Gdańsk. BME is held in close partnership with Poland’s Ministry of National Defence and the Polish Navy Command & Staff.
Organised since 1998, BALT-MILITARY-EXPO has close ties to the sea and the coast. It focuses on maritime safety and security, the latest defence systems, sea and land rescue and is dedicated to the Polish Navy, to other types of armed forces and to the services subject to Poland’s Ministry of Interior.
The Polish Navy and Poland’s other armed forces are in the process of implementing the Technical Upgrade Plan of December 11, 2012 and the previously ratified 2013-2022 Polish Armed Forces Development Programme. The
modernization processes in the Border Guard, Police and State Fire Service are also continued. The Polish Armed Forces and National Security Services look forward to seeing the products from weaponry, equipment and gear manufacturers and they encourage you to take part in their upgrade processes. Balt Military Expo 2014 will be an excellent opportunity to present the latest and most groundbreaking products and solutions dedicated to armed forces.
Vice Admiral
- Tomasz Mathea
"The year 2013 has marked the 95th anniversary of the restoration of the Polish Navy and its service for the Republic of Poland. But it has also been a year of profound structural transformation, to result in the Polish Navy Command headquarters and authority being relocated from Gdynia to Warsaw on January 1, 2014. The new Warsaw-based Polish Navy Inspectorate is certainly a breakthrough in the latest history of our Armed Forces but, in essence, is a return to both the pre-World War II structure and the HQ of the then Polish Navy Directorate.
The year 2013 has also marked the implementation beginning of the ideas contained in The Polish Navy Development Concept until 2022, with a 2030 Outlook, carried out through the 2013-2022/2030 Operational Programme – Countering Threats at Sea. I am convinced that this ambitious Programme will not only give the Polish naval fleet a state-of-the-art edge and greater operational prowess but will also significantly consolidate Poland’s credibility among our allies, which is of special importance on the 15th anniversary of Poland in the
The progress of globalisation, coupled with the ever increasing importance of maritime transport and economy, requires us to apply the latest technological solutions in order to enable the Navy’s forces to be effective in performing their tasks of protecting Poland’s interests at sea and supporting allied operations.
The Operational Programme should doubtless be an inspiration for our domestic shipbuilding industry and for the manufacturers of vessel weaponry and equipment, research institutes, universities and R&D centres to look for the best solutions to be applied in fulfilling the Navy’s present and future tasks at sea.
The BALT MILITARY EXPO Baltic Military Fair is just the perfect platform to exchange experience on the subject, guaranteed by the participation of maritime arms industry’s top specialists in both the Fair and the NATCON Conference which accompanies it. This forum supports our efforts in bringing the Polish naval fleet up-to-date, while the Fair will allow the Navy’s experts to learn about the latest development trends in maritime military technology.
For the 13th Baltic Military Fair, I wish its Organisers, Exhibitors and all the Visitors productive discussions, effective meetings, many splendid impressions and discoveries and most of all, proverbially, May Your Boat Always Stay Afloat – may this important project be a success."
OF TOPICS - Zakres
tematyczny targów
1. Okręty marynarki wojennej – uzbrojenie i wyposażenie
2. Uzbrojenie i sprzęt obrony wybrzeża jednostek Marynarki
3. Lotnictwo Marynarki Wojennej
4. Stanowiska dowodzenia w Marynarce Wojennej i sprzęt wspomagający
podejmowanie decyzji
5. Systemy i sprzęt łączności i obserwacji
technicznej w Marynarce Wojennej
6. Uzbrojenie i wyposażenie morskich sił wojsk specjalnych
7. Przedmioty mundurowe i wyposażenie osobiste marynarzy
8. Żywność i sprzęt przygotowania posiłków na
okrętach i na lądzie
1. Uzbrojenie, sprzęt i wyposażenie Straży Granicznej
2. Specjalistyczny sprzęt i wyposażenie Policji
3. Uzbrojenie, sprzęt i wyposażenie oddziałów
antyterrorystycznych Policji i Straży Granicznej
4. Stanowiska wspomagania kierowania w Policji, Państwowej Straży
Pożarnej i Straży Granicznej
5. Stanowiska zarządzania i techniki łączności w
sytuacjach kryzysowych
6. Systemy i sprzęt MW RP, SG i Policji ochrony baz, portów oraz
jednostek przed niepożądaną penetracją.
1. Sprzęt ratownictwa morskiego
2. Sprzęt ratowniczy na wodach przybrzeżnych i śródlądowych
3. Sprzęt technicznego ratownictwa lądowego
4. Aparatura kontrolno-pomiarowa
5. Sprzęt ratownictwa medycznego
6. Sprzęt do udzielania pomocy technicznej i ochrony środowiska
7. Ochronne wyposażenie osobiste ratowników
The Society of Maritime Industries is organising and managing the UK group of exhibitors in a dedicated UK group pavilion.
Companies are invited to take up the UK group pavilion package by exhibiting in the enhanced "shell-scheme" stand under the unique UK pavilion livery.
A TAP grant of Ł1500 will be available to all eligible companies joining the UK Group.
* Exhibition space of 6 sqm., walls, carpet, 1sqm of storage, 3 spotlights, 1 electric socket, power supply (3 phases), fascia board, cloth rack and waste bin.
Entry in the official Exhibition catalogue and 2 invitations for the Organiser’s official exhibition reception.
UK Group exhibitors are co-located in a prime location in the exhibition hall.
SMI as the group organiser, deals direct with the Polish exhibition organisers, co-ordinates payments, appoints agents and stand contractors, produces the UK Group catalogue, briefs the exhibitors, etc.
A programme, managed by the UK Group staff, ensures that all visiting delegations are routinely brought to all UK Group exhibitors.
The UK Pavilion includes an information centre in the UK Group providing refreshments.
A catalogue exclusive to exhibitors in the UK Group is made available for distribution to visitors and delegations alike to further promote the exhibitors and their products.
Mrs Clementina Upton, Events Manager
t: 020 7448 7023
f: 020 7638 4376
01 Accessories
02 Acoustics
03 Antennae
05 Batteries
06 Beacons & Buoys
07 Benthic Sampling Equipment
08 Booms
09 Buoys & Buoyancy Materials
10 Cable Assemblies
11 Cable Harnesses
12 Cables & Cable Systems
14 Cameras
15 Cathodic Protection
16 Compasses
17 Composite Materials
19 Computer Equipment & Software
20 Conductivity Meters
21 Connectors
22 Containers & Cases
23 Control Systems
24 Corrosion Control, Detection & Protection
25 Cranes, Derricks, Hoists & Winches
26 Deck Machinery
27 Digital Video Systems
28 Displays/Mapping/Graphics
29 Diving Equipment, Contractors & Vessels
30 Dredging
31 Echo Sounders
32 Electric Motors
33 Electrical Components
35 Electro-Mechanical Actuators, Sensors & Assemblies
36 Electro-Optics
39 Fibre Optics
40 Filters
41 Flow Meters
42 Fluorometers
44 Gas Hydrates
45 Global Information Systems
46 Gyrocompasses
47 Hydraulic Systems
48 Hydrological Instruments
49 Instruments/Instrumentation Systems
50 Lasers
51 Launch & Recovery Systems
52 Leak Detection & Sealing
53 Life Rafts & Rescue Boats
54 Life Support Systems
56 Lighting
57 Magnets & Magnetometers
58 Manipulators
59 Mapping Systems
60 Marine Engineering
61 Marine Equipment - General
62 Marine Geotechnical Investigations
63 Marine Site Investigations
64 Marine Systems
66 Meters & Metering Systems
67 Naval Architecture
68 Offshore Support & Accommodation Vessels
69 Oil Spill Response
70 Oxygen Meters
72 Patrol Craft
73 Position Fixing Systems
74 Power Supplies
75 Pressure & Temperature Control Measurement Equipment
76 Profiling Systems
77 Propulsion Systems
78 Pumps
80 Remote Sensing
81 Rescue & Survival Equipment
82 Robotics
83 Ropes - Woven, Wire & Mooring
84 ROVs
85 Safety, Survival & Security Equipment
86 Satellite Navigation Equipment
87 Seismic Equipment
88 Sensors
89 Shipbuilding, Repair & Conversion
90 Slip Ring Systems
91 Software & System Engineering
92 Sonar & Systems
93 Sonobuoys
94 Space Technology
95 Storage Equipment
97 Submarines &
98 Submersible Equipment
99 Subsea Production Systems
100 Surveillance Systems & Equipment
101 Survey Equipment
102 Telemetry Equipment
103 Test Equipment
104 Tide Gauges
105 Tools- Oilfield, Drilling & Fishing
106 Towed Arrays & Bodies
107 Tracks
108 Umbilicals
109 Underwater Communications
110 Underwater Vehicles
111 Valves
112 Vibration Monitoring Systems & Vessels
113 Winches & Accessories
114 Workboats
Service Category
01 Bathymetric Survey
02 Charts & Charting
03 Coastal Maintenance
04 Coastal Protection
05 Communications
06 Consultancy Services
07 Consulting Engineers Offshore
08 Current Measurement
09 Data Acquisition/Management
10 Data Entry, Capture and Conversion
11 Data Interpretation, Management & Processing
12 Diving
13 Downhole Survey & Services
14 Dynamic Positioning
15 Earth Sciences
16 Ecological Health & Pollution
17 Ecology
18 Economic Development
19 Education & Training
20 Environmental Management
21 Equipment Hire
22 Geophysics
23 Geotechnical Engineering
24 Hydrographic Services
25 Information Services
26 Inspection, Repair & Maintenance
28 IT Consulting
29 Laboratory testing services
30 Maintenance Services
31 Maritime Surveillance
32 Modeling
33 Navigation & Position Fixing
35 Ocean Currents
36 Ocean Modeling
37 Ocean Observation
38 Oceanographic Survey
39 Oceanology
40 Optics
41 Optronics
42 Overhaul & Repair
43 Personnel & Recruitment
44 Photography
45 Port Security
46 Publications
47 R&D Organisations
48 Risk Analysis
49 Safety & Survival Systems & Analysis
50 Seabed Sampling
51 Seismic Survey & Acquisition
52 Simulation & Training
53 System Modeling
54 Systems Integration
55 Target Acquisition & Recognition
56 Temperature Measurement
57 Test & Evaluation
58 Trials & Trials Facilities
59 Water Measurement, Sampling
End User Sector
01 Oil & Gas
02 Coastal Engineering
03 Aquaculture
04 Renewables
05 Ocean Science
06 Defense / Security
07 Desalination
08 Government
09 Telecommunications

Combat ZCC with 40kW wind turbines. This is a 50 ton vessel that is
elongated, but retaining the same low frontal area as with the merchant
Bluefish ZZC
platforms above. This battleship
can be armed with a potent mix of torpedoes,
SAM and Cruise
missiles. The total energy harvesting capacity is around 176kW (235hp),
giving an Energy Harvested to Displacement ratio (EH/D) of 3.52kW/ton
(4.72hp/ton). The vessel is more efficient at collecting energy during
darkness, reducing the battery storage needed, hence improving the
potential payload. Larger versions of this format could be the emission
free cargo ships of the future. The average cruising speed of this vessel
will be higher from the longer hull 50m (163ft) hull on the waterline,
giving a better speed/length ratio. The OAL is 56M (183ft). The sprint
speed of this craft will be in the 20+ knot region - dependent on active
hull deployment.
cost of diesel fuel to operate this ship continuously for a year is
approximately: .29gals/hp x 117 x 24 x 365 = $297,226.80 (Ł183,393.99) In
ten years that would be $2.97M (Ł1.83M). Fuel for thought!
In this calculation we have assumed for the sake of simplicity that the
235 horsepower harvested during the day is split 50/50 for day and night
operation. In reality, the wind turbines operate just as well in the dark.