CIMPS 2016
The 6th China International Marine, Port & Shipbuilding Fair (CIMPS 2016) is scheduled to be held in Nanjing, China
from the 11th until the 13th of May 2016. With increasing of internationalization, CIMPS
2016 is sure to attract more international anchor companies in the line of maritime and offshore by strengthening the cooperation with overseas partners to meet more local shipyards and expand the business in China.
According to the requirement of shipbuilding industry in China, CIMPS 2016 will highlight on the development of upgrade reforming, industry
chain, informatization, key technology and products in shipbuilding and repairing, LNG/LPG vessel, chemical tanker, special purpose vessel, yacht and ice ship, and advanced technique in new-energy power, driving, automation controlling, tele-communication and navigation, etc. Fishing vessel is another outstanding area in the show.
Local shipyards and ship export bases will also participate in CIMPS 2016 with local elite manufacturers of maritime and offshore in pavilions to compete with the opponents.
Paying special attention to global promotion, the Organization Committee will focus on the promotion in the world famous offshore and maritime exhibitions like OTC (US), OSEA (Singapore), ONS (Norway), Kormarine and Offshore Korea (Korea), SPE Offshore Europe (UK), APM (Singapore), Sea Japan (Japan) and Europort etc., so as to attract more exhibitors and buyers.
The Maritime Safety Administrations, Ship Inspection Administrations, and Ocean and Fisheries Bureaus of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, etc. will organize professional delegations to visit.
Cooperating institutes, such as the China Shipowner’s Association, China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, The Chinese Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Chinese Society for Oceanography,Ocean Engineering Branch , and China petroleum institute will help to attract professional visitors.
Many delegations from domestic ship associations are expected to pay visit to the show, like Jiangsu Shipowners Association, Xiangshan Shipowners Association, Henan Ship Industry Association, Fujian Ship Industry Association and Nanjing Shipping Commerce.
Lots of shipyards, equipment companies of ship building and ship industry zones will be invited. Most of them plan to organize their experts to the show .
Call-center promotion
The Organization Committee established a special buyers invitation center to invite buyers and professional visitors.
It has a database with more than 100 thousand data for telemarketing, fax, mailing, EDM and SMS, etc.
Mainstream media promotion
The Organization Committee will cooperate with more than 100 Chinese media partners and more than 30 overseas media partners. The show advertisement is scheduled for about 150 media.
As a supporter of the exhibition, The Navy Equipment Department of the ChinesePeople’s Liberation Army will continuously organize decades of military representatives to visit the fair and attended the special arranged matchmaking session. FEATURES
of CIMPS 2013
★ Outstanding in scale
Covering the space of 20,000 sqm, CIMPS 2013 involved 476 exhibitors from 12 countries and regions. It attracted 9,178 professional visitors from 26 countries and regions.
★ High interests from overseas brands
The increased ratio of high-tech, high value-added and green products by 58 global companies from America, Danmark, France, Finland, Japan, Korea, Russia, the Netherlands and Turkey,indicated that most overseas campanies put more attention to Chinese market.
★ Active local pavilions
Because of the strong support from national shipbuilding and maritime industrial bases, CIMPS 2013 were attended by many domestic delegations from Songyang and Taizhou of Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province, Fujian Province, and delegations organized by the ministry of agriculture, fishing vessel inspection bureau etc. to show their competitive productivity.
Besides, exhibitor delegations organized by Jiangsu Marine Fisheries Service, Nantong City, Jingjiang City, Nanjing City, Zhenjiang City, Wuxi City, Taizhou City, Yangzhou City, Yancheng City, Jianhu City in Jiangsu Province, have displayed the outstanding image of Jangsu Province in China shipbuilding industry, marine equipment and ship export industry.
Overseas 11.56%
Jiangsu Province 32.24%
Other Provinces 56.2%
Visitors by job function
Management 52.5%
Purchasing 20.93%
Technical 13.98%
Sales 9.57%
Service 0.85 %
Others 2.17 %
★ The Netherlands as an EU Maritime & Offshore Hub CEO Round-table Meeting and Cocktail Party was held to provide a free communication for the cooperation opportunity between the officials from the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency and Chinese CEO and Chiefs in maritime investment.
★ Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering successfully organized the “5th China Forum on the Development of Steel for Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering” and “Shipbuilding & Offshore Deck Cabin Mechanical Technique Forum 2013” discussed about new materials, new techniques, new technology applied in shipbuilding and offshore products.
★ World-renowned Norway Classification held a forum in Jingling International Conference Center, discussed energy-saving shipbuilding simulation technology’s effect on competitiveness and maritime environmental protection. Energy-saving type shipbuilding has been an important index of shipbuilding ability.
China Chamber of International Commerce
People's Government of Jiangsu Province
Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission
Nanjing Municipal People's Government
Jiangsu United Asia International Exhibition Co., Ltd (UAEC)
China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC)
Register of Fishing Vessel of the People's Republic of China
The Navy Equipment Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAN)
Explosion-Proof Electrical Apparatus Branch of Electrical Equipment Industry Association of China (CEEIA)
China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products Marine Products Branch (CCCME)
China Shipowners' Association (CSA)
China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI)
The Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering (CSNAME)
China Radar Industry Association (CARI)
China Dredging Association (CHIDA)
China Engineering Construction Welding Association (CECWA)
Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines (CSICE)
China Classification Society (CCS)
Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection (CSCP)
China Association of Shipping Agencies & Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers (CASA)
Logistics Association China (CLA)
China Container Industry Association(CCIA)
Ahoy B.V
Chinese Supporter:
The Navy Equipment Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Maritime Safety Administration of Jiangsu Province
Jiangsu Administration of Ocean and Fisheries
Jiangsu Association of Shipbuilding Industry
Jiangsu Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Register of Shipping of Jiangsu Province
China Institute of Navigation
China Electronic Instrument Industry Association
China Instrument and Control Society
Material and Process Branch of Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines
High-power Diesel Engines Branch of Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines
China Logistics Association
Department of Commerce of Jiangxi Province
Economic and Trade Commission of Fujian Province
Liaoning Economic and Information Technology Commission
The Office of Scientific and Technological Industry of National Defense in Hubei Province
Jiangsu Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Nanjing Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Maritime Safety Administration of Nanjing
Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce
Jiangsu Shipowners' Association
Guangdong Shipowners' Association
Fujian Shipowners' Association
Chizhou Shipowners' Association
Shanghai International Shipping Brokers’ Club
Qingdao International Shipping Exchange
Nanjing Federation of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Shipping
Zhejiang Association of Shipbuilding Industry
Henan Association of Shipbuilding Industry
Jiangxi Association of Shipbuilding Industry
Guangdong Association of Shipbuilding Industry
Shenzhen Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Guangdong Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Guangxi Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Liaoning Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering
Ningbo Coating & Panting Industry Association
Nanjing Association of Surface Treatment Industry
Wuxi Association of Surface Engineering
Beijing Electronic Instrument Industry Association
Chengdu Association of Surface Engineering
Jilin Association of Internal Combustion Engine
Jiangsu Province Renewable Energy Association
Zhejiang Province Renewable Energy Association
Shenzhen Maritime Association
Zhejiang Institute of Navigation
China Ship News
China Hong Kong Shipowners' Association
Shenyang Forging Industry Association
Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection,High temperature Committee
Shanghai Instrument manufacturers Association
Jiangsu United Asia International Exhibition Co., Ltd
Tel.: +86-25-8452 1101-869
Fax: +86-25-8469 2610
Add: 19th Business Mansion, Jinling Royal View Garden, 333 South Tai-ping Road. 210002 Nanjing, P.R. China
The Jiangsu Association of Shipbuilding Industry was established by the enterprises of shipbuilders, ship repairers, auxiliary equipment manufacturers, ship navigation and instrument manufacturers, trading service providers, research institutes, universities and academics organizations, to name a few.
The main objectives of the association are to comply with laws, regulations and policies outlined by the state, enhance technology development, provide services and advice to its members, act as a bridge between the government and its members and advance the development of the shipbuilding industry in China.
001 Accessories (4)
002 Acoustics (49)
003 Antennae (5)
005 Batteries (7)
006 Beacons & Buoys (23)
007 Benthic Sampling Equipment (18)
008 Booms (1)
009 Buoys & Buoyancy Materials (10)
010 Cable Assemblies (8)
011 Cable Harnesses (8)
012 Cables & Cable Systems (11)
013 CADCAM (2)
014 Cameras (15)
015 Cathodic Protection (2)
016 Compasses (4)
017 Composite Materials (1)
019 Computer Equipment & Software (12)
020 Conductivity Meters (16)
021 Connectors (10)
022 Containers & Cases (2)
023 Control Systems (9)
024 Corrosion Control, Detection & Protection (2)
025 Cranes, Derricks, Hoists & Winches (9)
026 Deck Machinery (4)
027 Digital Video Systems (7)
028 Displays/Mapping/Graphics (10)
029 Diving Equipment, Contractors & Vessels (6)
030 Dredging (17)
031 Echo Sounders (30)
032 Electric Motors (2)
033 Electrical Components (3)
035 Electro-Mechanical Actuators, Sensors & Assemblies (4)
036 Electro-Optics (3)
039 Fibre Optics (7)
040 Filters (1)
041 Flow Meters (12)
042 Fluorometers (11)
044 Gas Hydrates (7)
045 Global Information Systems (5)
046 Gyrocompasses (6)
047 Hydraulic Systems (5)
048 Hydrological Instruments (33)
049 Instruments/Instrumentation Systems (42)
050 Lasers (6)
051 Launch & Recovery Systems (10)
052 Leak Detection & Sealing (5)
053 Life Rafts & Rescue Boats (1)
054 Life Support Systems (2)
056 Lighting (2)
057 Magnets & Magnetometers (5)
058 Manipulators (8)
059 Mapping Systems (31)
060 Marine Engineering (34)
061 Marine Equipment - General (54)
062 Marine Geotechnical Investigations (15)
063 Marine Site Investigations (8)
064 Marine Systems (31)
066 Meters & Metering Systems (3)
067 Naval Architecture (1)
068 Offshore Support & Accommodation Vessels (3)
069 Oil Spill Response (8)
070 Oxygen Meters (10)
072 Patrol Craft (2)
073 Position Fixing Systems (18)
074 Power Supplies (2)
075 Pressure & Temperature Control Measurement Equipment (13)
076 Profiling Systems (33)
077 Propulsion Systems (4)
078 Pumps (4)
080 Remote Sensing (23)
081 Rescue & Survival Equipment (3)
082 Robotics (8)
083 Ropes - Woven, Wire & Mooring (4)
084 ROVs (30)
085 Safety, Survival & Security Equipment (5)
086 Satellite Navigation Equipment (10)
087 Seismic Equipment (18)
088 Sensors (47)
089 Shipbuilding, Repair & Conversion (2)
090 Slip Ring Systems (2)
091 Software & System Engineering (15)
092 Sonar & Systems (42)
093 Sonobuoys (7)
094 Space Technology (1)
095 Storage Equipment (1)
097 Submarines &
Submersibles (6)
098 Submersible Equipment (23)
099 Subsea Production Systems (4)
100 Surveillance Systems & Equipment (18)
101 Survey Equipment (42)
102 Telemetry Equipment (18)
103 Test Equipment (11)
104 Tide Gauges (17)
105 Tools- Oilfield, Drilling & Fishing (2)
106 Towed Arrays & Bodies (9)
107 Tracks (2)
108 Umbilicals (10)
109 Underwater Communications (29)
110 Underwater Vehicles (37)
111 Valves (1)
112 Vibration Monitoring Systems & Vessels (6)
113 Winches & Accessories (21)
114 Workboats (3)
Service Category
001 Bathymetric Survey (42)
002 Charts & Charting (13)
003 Coastal Maintenance (12)
004 Coastal Protection (13)
005 Communications (13)
006 Consultancy Services (12)
007 Consulting Engineers Offshore (7)
008 Current Measurement (22)
009 Data Acquisition/Management (34)
010 Data Entry, Capture and Conversion (10)
011 Data Interpretation, Management & Processing (13)
012 Diving (7)
013 Downhole Survey & Services (2)
014 Dynamic Positioning (10)
015 Earth Sciences (15)
016 Ecological Health & Pollution (7)
017 Ecology (10)
018 Economic Development (1)
019 Education & Training (5)
020 Environmental Management (11)
021 Equipment Hire (16)
022 Geophysics (19)
023 Geotechnical Engineering (8)
024 Hydrographic Services (31)
025 Information Services (4)
026 Inspection, Repair & Maintenance (16)
028 IT Consulting (4)
029 Laboratory testing services (6)
030 Maintenance Services (11)
031 Maritime Surveillance (10)
032 Modeling (4)
033 Navigation & Position Fixing (21)
035 Ocean Currents (19)
036 Ocean Modeling (4)
037 Ocean Observation (49)
038 Oceanographic Survey (52)
039 Oceanology (40)
040 Optics (6)
041 Optronics (2)
042 Overhaul & Repair (6)
043 Personnel & Recruitment (2)
044 Photography (4)
045 Port Security (19)
046 Publications (2)
047 R&D Organisations (12)
048 Risk Analysis (2)
049 Safety & Survival Systems & Analysis (1)
050 Seabed Sampling (21)
051 Seismic Survey & Acquisition (20)
052 Simulation & Training (3)
053 System Modeling (1)
054 Systems Integration (32)
055 Target Acquisition & Recognition (9)
056 Temperature Measurement (20)
057 Test & Evaluation (13)
058 Trials & Trials Facilities (14)
059 Water Measurement, Sampling (41)
End User Sector
001 Oil & Gas (95)
002 Coastal Engineering (82)
003 Aquaculture (63)
004 Renewables (43)
005 Ocean Science (123)
006 Defense / Security (70)
007 Desalination (17)
008 Government (64)
009 Telecommunications (28)

said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Imagine this: Forget bunker
fuel, electric ships are now possible
that operate on nothing but energy harvested directly from nature, shown
here with 40kW wind turbines. The total energy harvesting capacity of this
design is around 176kW (235hp), giving an Energy Harvested to Displacement
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could be the emission free cargo ships of the future. The hull is 50m
(163ft) hull on the waterline, length OAL is 56M (183ft). The cost of
diesel fuel to operate this ship continuously for a year is approximately:
.29gals/hp x 117 x 24 x 365 = $297,226.80 (£183,393.99) In ten years that
would be $2.97M (£1.83M). Fuel
for thought! BMS Ltd are looking for international partners to
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to explore the possibilities.