Eco ship seminar, Sweden 2013




Lighthouse Maritime Competence Centre is a collaboration between Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish Shipowners' Association, the Swedish Maritime Administration and Västra Götalandsregionen. Lighthouse was founded in 2006 and funded by VINNOVA. Within Lighthouse there are five themes that focus on environment, safety, work environment, cargo handling and logistics and law and economics.



NOVEMBER 26 2013 - Lighthouse application to Vinnova for SIO-program

In November 2013 Lighthouse submitted an application to Vinnova for a so-called Strategic Innovation Area (SIO, Strategisk Innovations Område). With focus on cooperation between academy, industry and society Lighthouse wants to bring the whole maritime cluster together to achieve growth and sustainability. 

The program is named Zero Vision Innovation, and has its foundation in the Swedish Maritime Research and Innovation Agenda Svallvåg 2013, an agenda written by various representatives from the maritime cluster. The overall objective of the program is the Zero Vision that envisages providing competitive sea transport solutions and maritime operations whilst avoiding accidents as well as unnecessary resource use and impact on natural environment and health. By addressing industry needs to meet environmental challenges and work together in focused research and innovation projects we want to make the Swedish maritime industry more competitive and sustainable.

A SIO-program is a research and innovation program co-financed by Vinnova. In this first step, Lighthouse has sent an application to Vinnova, for a program concept in order to be qualified for the final more extensive application to be submitted in March 2014. If the program will become a reality up to 100 millon SEK per year can be made available for research and innovation where 50 percent of the financing has to come from the industry. This is very similar to that put in place by the Technology Strategy Board in the UK - and is a pattern now being repeated in many European member states.

On December 11 we will meet at KTH in Sockholm to further discuss and draw out plans on how all the new potential partners can join forces with Lighthouse to support a strong and competitive final application to Vinnova in March next year. We will compete with other industrial clusters in Sweden in being chosen as a Strategic Innovation Area so a strong and co-operative effort is a key success factor. One issue to be discussed at the meeting is the enlarged partnership in Lighthouse so that Lighthouse can be seen as representing the whole cluster.

Jesper Ingevaldsson







Division: Ship Design

Per Hogström
Phone: +46(0)31-772 1478  E-mail

Ingar Malmgren
Phone: +46(0)31-772 1465  E-mail

Wengang Mao
Phone: +46(0)31-772 5377  E-mail

Martin Kjellberg
Phone: +46(0)31-772 2732  E-mail

Zhiyuan Li
Phone: +46(0)31-772 2655  E-mail

Martin Schreuder
Phone: +46(0)31-772 2662  E-mail

Heng Ran  E-mail


Division: Sustainable Ship Propulsion

Andreas Karlsson
Phone: +46(0)31-772 2681  E-mail

Michal Orych  E-mail

Hulda Winnes
Phone: +46(0)31-772 1461  E-mail







The shipping industry is facing times of increasingly strict environmental regulations. Frameworks for sulphur and NOx emissions, ballast water, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and more, are all being introduced within a short timespan. Some frameworks have been criticized - after the decision on their introduction was taken - for not including a sufficient knowledge base. We believe that increased dialogue between academia, industry and policy-makers at an early stage can play an important part in the making of effective and fair regulation in the future.

In this Lighthouse seminar, we want to contribute to such a dialogue by presenting the forefront of our research, and how it relates to ongoing regulatory processes. Keynote speakers from governmental agencies and industry will lead the discussion based on their own work in this field: Marina Angsell and Anna Petersson of the Swedish Transport Agency will give us the perspective of international negotiations. Per Tunell of Wallenius Marine will present ongoing action on GHG monitoring at EU and IMO level, as well as Wallenius own environmental work. Carl Carlsson of the Swedish Shipowner's Association will present their view on the role of scientists in these processes.

Lena Göthberg, Secretary-General of the Institute of Shipping Analysis (SAI) will be the moderator for the seminar. We believe that seminar will be of high value for stakeholders within the maritime community who work operationally or strategically with issues related to energy and the environment. You are warmly invited to participate, meet your peers, exchange knowledge, and to be a part of this ongoing dialogue. 






Lighthouse Eco Ship Theme Day Program
Preliminary programme subject to minor changes

09.30-10.00 Registration, Coffee/Tea

10.00 Opening and welcome to the Eco Ship 2013
Klas Brännström, Director of Lighthouse

10.15 Keynote speaker #1
Marina Angsell, International Liasion Officer,The Swedish Transport Agency
Anna Peterson, Head of the section of environment, The Swedish Transport Agency

10.45 Keynote speaker #2
Per Tunell, Vice President, Head of Environmental Management, Wallenius Marine AB

11.15 Introduction to maritime environmental research
Karin Andersson, Head of research group Maritime Environment at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology

11.30 Discharges to the sea

- Martin Eriksson; Are there any effects of antifouling compounds and/or complex chemical mixtures in the environment?

- Lena Granhag; Challenges with the Ballast Water Management Convention and its implementation

- Erik Ytreberg; Ecotoxicological effects of seawater scrubbing and its relation to ocean acidification

12.15 - 13.15 Lunch

13.15 Emissions to air

- Kent Salo; Identification of Gross Polluting Ships (IGPS)

- Mathias Magnusson; Improved SCR for marine applications

- Philip Linné; Regulating air pollution and GHG's in MARPOL Annex VI – the challenge of definition at IMO MEPC

14.00 Energy and Climate change

- Hannes Johnson; Towards understanding energy efficiency in shipping

- Selma Bengtsson; Perspectives on fuel choices

- Francesco Baldi; Addressing the challenge of energy efficient ship design – Advanced ship system modeling for lower carbon emissions

14.45 Coffee break

15.15 Keynote speaker #3; Shipowner's stance on the role of science in policy-making
Carl Carlsson, Head of Environment Swedish Shipowners Association

15.45 Round up by moderator
Lena Göthberg, Secretary-General SAI

16.00 - onwards Mingle session after the closing of the seminar with beverages and snacks.






Christer Schoug, Chairman, The Swedish Shipowners' Association
Claes Davidsson, Stena
Per Croner, TTS- Marine
Johan Carlsten, Chalmers
Klas Brännström, Chalmers
Per Cramér, University of Gothenburg, School of Business, Economics and Law
Ann-Cathrine Zetterdahl, Swedish Maritime Administration
Anders Carlberg, Region Västra Götaland (additional member)
Ebba Lindegren, Vinnova 





Room Tesla

Lindholmen Science Park










Bengt-Olof Petersen, Director E-mail 


Monica Lundh, Co-Director E-mail


Jesper Ingevaldsson, Communications Manager E-mail
Tel: 031-772 21 09


Suzanne Green, Office Manager E-mail
Tel: 031-772 36 73


Postal address

Lighthouse, Chalmers, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

Visiting address

Hus Saga, Hörselgången 4, Göteborg

Address for goods/large packages to Lighthouse

Chalmers, Lighthouse, Att. Bengt-Olof Petersen, Terminal Campus
Lindholmen, Kunskapsgatan 3, 417 56 Göteborg, Sweden





Sveriges redareförening

University of Gothenburg, school of business, economics and law

Västra Götalandsregionen

Vinnona, Sweden







 Chalmers University of Technology  Master’s programmes are their education flagship. The course programmes were designed meet the needs of society and industry since 1970.


Swedish Maritime Administration SE-601 78 Norrköping



 +46 0771-63 00 00 


 +46 11 10 19 49 



Swedish Shipowners' Association is a trade association for Swedish shipping industry representing 70 Swedish companies with 630 vessels, 120of which under the Swedish flag.


Applied research with scientific quality in  - business  economics and law - The School has internationally recognized research within environmental development economics, innovation & intellectual property.

Region Västra Götaland is governed by democratically elected politicians and with just over 50,000 employees is one of Sweden’s biggest employers. Their vision is to contribute to a thriving community.

Vinonna is Sweden’s innovation agency, aiding sustainable growth and benefiting society. VINNOVA invests around SEK 2 billion per year and has about 200 employees, working from offices in Stockholm & Brussels. 







Combat ZCC with 40kW wind gens and solar PV for 176kW total energy harvesting


Is this innovation still ahead of its time? The Bluefish ZZC+ platform has a total energy harvesting capacity around 176kW (235hp), giving an Energy Harvested to Displacement ratio (EH/D) of 3.52kW/ton (4.72hp/ton) which with the advanced hullform equates to continuous 24/7 cruising at 7-10 knots.  Larger versions of this format could be the emission free cargo ships of the future.  The cost of diesel fuel to cruise this ship continuously for a year would be approximately: .29gals/hp x 117 x 24 x 365 = $297,226.80 (£183,393.99) In ten years that would be $2.97M (£1.83M). There is though no fuel cost during normal operations. Fuel for thought! Vital initial research is needed to verify the concept prior to a feasibility study.





Product Category



Composite Materials
Computer Equipment

Control Systems
Diving Equipment, Contractors & Vessels
Echo Sounders
Electric Motors
Global Information Systems
Hydraulic Systems
Instruments/Instrumentation Systems
Launch & Recovery Systems
Leak Detection & Sealing
Life Rafts & Rescue Boats
Mapping Systems
Marine Engineering
Marine Systems 
Naval Architecture
Offshore Support & Accommodation Vessels

Oilfield, Drilling & Fishing
Oil Spill Response
Patrol Craft
Power Supplies
Propulsion Systems
Rescue & Survival Equipment 
Satellite Navigation Equipment
Shipbuilding, Repair & Conversion
Sonar & Systems
Submarines & Submersibles
Surveillance Systems & Equipment
Survey Equipment
Towed Arrays & Bodies
Service Category

Bathymetric Survey
Charts & Charting
Coastal Protection
Consultancy Services
Hydrographic Services
Maritime Surveillance
Navigation & Position Fixing
Oceanographic Survey
R&D Organisations 
Target Acquisition & Recognition
End User Sector

Oil & Gas
Ocean Science
Defense / Security









The Ritz Carlton, Half Moon Bay, California

World Ocean Summit 2014

American Association of Petroleum Geologists

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers

ASME International Petroleum Technology Institute

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers — Oceanic Engineering Society

Marine Technology Society

Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Society of Petroleum Engineers

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute

International Association of Drilling Contractors

Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association










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