NOSCA - Norwegian Oil Spill Association - Seminar 2013

NOSCA, the Norwegian oil spill association's seminar 2013





NOSCA – the Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association – was established in 1992 to satisfy a common need within the industry, the oil companies and public institutions to join forces and resources in order to improve the overall knowledge base of oil spill prevention and response. The need for a joint international promotion of the Norwegian oil spill technology and products was certainly also of importance to NOSCA’s members representing the industry.

NOSCA with its over 30 active members has achieved international respect as an active player in R&D, oil spill prevention and response.

NOSCA is one of the three founding organizations of INTERSPILL in Europe and we also support and contribute to the successes of IOSCE in the US and SPILLCON in Australia.

Register for the NOSCA Seminar 2013 which will be arranged from September 09 - 13, 2013 in Lofoten/Norway.








Aanderaa Data Instruments AS

Aanderaa Data Instruments AS (AADI), headquartered in Bergen, Norway provides systems for submerged oil leakage detection indicators and monitoring of floating oil spills. For oil spill recovery we supply an oil boom operation control system for correct and optimal use of oil booms.


Cleaning up after an oil spill, both at sea and land, the best you can do is using an 100 % natural oil absorbent product which is natural also after absorbing oil!  Most of the absorbent products at market only store the oil and have to be disposed as dangerous waste.
ABTEK/Reba oil absorbent pine bark made from the bark of Norwegian pine trees, growing up under special climate conditions, retain the oil it has absorbed and quickly biodegrades to become a rich soil fertilizer. No chemicals.
Other ABTEK natural products is oil absorbing booms, mats and filter for cleaning oil polluted waste water down to 4-5 ppm.

AllMaritim AS

AllMaritim provide complete oil recovery systems to professional’s worldwide. We offer a wide range of high efficient oil skimmer systems and oil containment booms, designed to satisfy demanding requirements. Our philosophy is to optimize our oil spill response solutions in order to obtain long-term customer satisfaction.

Aptomar AS

Aptomar delivers oil spill management tools for detection, measurement and monitoring of oil spills day and night. The on-board command and control system documents all activities and communicates data like live video to other vessels and to offshore and onshore command centres. The SECurus sensor provides unique detection capability for use also in areas such as Search and Rescue

Arctic Protection AS

DNV Consulting

Frank Mohn AS
Oil Recovery Systems

Quality Insurance – when needed at most
With our range of products and services, we have high
capacity system solutions for recovering any kind of crude or refined oil,
whether on the sea surface from an oil spill, from grounded or sunken vessels,
in harsh offshore environment, day and night, at bad weather or iced
In order to ensure that you are covered for any potential
oil spill recovery, we are standby to assist you with tailored solutions.

H.Henriksen Mek. Verksted AS

Henriksen has a brand vision that is founded in over 150-years of experience. Our vision has been shaped by our funding father and many generations of forefathers. Their first hand experiences and challenges has over time proven the true overarching vision for HENRIKSEN to always look forward with the intent of creation safer operational conditions. This vision has resulted in a complete portfolio of highly efficient oil recovery equipment such as the Foxtail and KLK oils skimmers.  OUR BRAND VISION IS TO REDUCE RISK.

Jason Engineering AS

Jason has more than 37 years of experience in developing and offering firefighting equipment to the marine industry.  In addition to the range of firefighting equipment we design and manufacture dispersant systems for optimal oil spill prevention intended for all vessels catering to the offshore services. The Jason product suite is available as external, built-in or mobile solutions – according to the NOFO standard. System designed in cooperation with SINTEF.

Jemar Norpower AS

Jemar Norpower AS , with its roots back to 1917, is a supplier of GRP custom-made workboats and fishing boats. The boats are developed and produced at our wharf and range from 18 to 42 ft. We are known for developing and producing solid boats that endure tough conditions and are highly seaworthy. Reliability and bollard pull are also good reasons for to choose a workboat from Jemar Norpower AS.

 Kaliber Industrial Design AS

Kaliber provides a new and highly efficient tool for on-shore oil and chemical spill cleanup operations. The MOSE is a handheld device for mechanical cleaning of oil spills on hard surfaces. The tool combines and automates the traditional processes of oil spill removal. Mechanical dispersion, incorporation and removal of absorbent makes the process efficient in all aspects; resource consumption, performance and HSE (Health, Security and Environment).

 Kongsberg Norcontrol IT AS

Kongsberg Norcontrol IT AS spear-heads the maritime surveillance technologies available within the technology power-house, Kongsberg Gruppen AS.
We provide maritime surveillance to world leading offshore operators including ConocoPhillips, BP and Talisman.
Our open architecture solutions are ideal for integrated operations, collision avoidance and minimum offshore manning solutions.

Maritime Robotics AS

Maritime Robotics delivers Unmanned Vehicle (UV) systems and services for 24/7 remote-sensing in oil-spill response operations and general maritime surveillance.
The OceanEye compact aerostat system gives the decision makers an invaluable “birds view” of the ongoing response operation. With real-time high-defintion (HD) and
infrared (IR) video the OceanEye offers a persistent and low-cost 24/7 eye in the sky. Maritime Robotics also delivers Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) systems as autonomous and long-duration operations with f.ex. oil-density
sensors, aerostat and towing of oil-booms. Our solutions take the crew away from dangerous situations at sea, and are costeffective and flexible tools for maritime data aquisition.

Norwegian Coastal Administration

The Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for governmental preparedness against acute pollution and has nation-wide administrative authority in the case of acute pollution incidents. This responsibility also entails making sure that preparedness is appropriately dimensioned in proportion to the risk. The Norwegian Coastal Administration is legally authorized to issue orders and perform supervision in the event of acute pollution incidents. Furthermore, we are responsible for coordinating private, municipal and government  emergency response to acute pollution.

MD Group AS

MD Group was founded in 2009 by a group of dedicated people with wide experience in various fields with a considerable network within the Oil & Gas and shipping industry, worldwide.
MD Group is a technology driven company dedicated to finding solutions for challenges we see in tomorrow’s environment, although most technologies developed has its roots in old well proven techniques from industries like fishing and seismic operations.
MD Group focuses on two business segments:
·         Oil Spill Recovery Technologies
·         Iceberg Management Technologies


MMB, the leading independent Norwegian oil spill response company provides:
·         Oil spill response
·         OSR-equipment rental
·         response courses
·         verifications
·         training and exercises (planning and delivery)
·         oiled wildlife response and response plans
·         consultancy services
…and further to full response capability

Miros AS

Miros AS, located in Asker, Norway, is a high-tech company that produces advanced remote sensing equipment for the shipping and offshore industries. The company’s products include the Miros OSD oil spill detection system, WAVEX online directional wave monitoring system for traditional vessels, naval vessels and high-speed crafts, altimeter and directional wave and current radar for shore sites, platforms and vessels on locations, as well as meteorological and oceanographic systems and sensors.

NOFI Tromsø AS

NOFI is an innovative industrial corporation concerned with the development, manufacture and sale of products and services all over the world, primarily within the maritime sector. Focus on innovation and diversification are important strategies that enables the corporation to offer special competence and quality products within several market areas.


NOFO establishes and maintains oil spill preparedness on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in order to combat oil pollution on behalf of 30 operating oil companies.
This includes both response in open seas as well as in coastal waters and along shorelines / beaches.
NOFO is a dedicated, non-profit  24h / 7d a week,  oil spill response organization with total recovery capacity of 200.000 bbl / d.


NorLense AS

NorLense is one of the world’s leading companies within development and manufacturing of Oil Spill Emergency Equipment and Inflatable, high pressure Tents. We will work with you every step of the way to a full oil spill recovery system that fits your needs. From design, choice of equipment, training of personnel and even on-scene command at your request.

NorLense Beredskap AS

NorLense Beredskap has built unique skills in terms of oil spill prevention and the competence to act and deploy emergency equipment associated with an oil disaster promptly and accurately. We have gained this extensive knowledge through courses, stand by deployment and actual disasters. Together with our partners we are now Norway's leading provider of prevention of major oil spills.

NG Industri AS

Sintef Group

Skimmer Technology

The OP OIL Skimmer from Skimmer Technology is a First Response Oil Spill Recovery Vessel (FRV/OSRV) for shoreline- and port operations. The vessel has a patented skimmer integrated in the bow. This proven technology is not affected by debris. It collects oil of all viscosities, and even debris soaked in oil. The vessel separates oil from debris and oil from water.

SMV Hydraulik AS

Statoil Mongstad

Statoil Stureterminal


TESS is Norway’s biggest supplier of hoses, couplings and MRO. Aside from providing solutions to all market segments onshore, we have also significant expertise in the offshore market and customers directly related to the oil and gas industry. The company coordinates more than 100 workshops and outlets throughout the country. TESS was established in 1968 and is a company owned by its two Norwegian founders.

Intermunicipal Organizations
against acute pollution

It is the duty of local authorities to maintain
preparedness and respond to minor instances of acute pollution within the municipality. This applies to incidents that are not covered by private preparedness and when the polluter is unknown or unable to respond. Such incidents include: overturned tank trucks, leakage from buried tanks and oil spills of unknown origin (“mystery spills”).
Cooperation between local authorities is ensured through 33 so called IUAs, which are inter-municipal emergency response committees covering the entire country.


NOSCA - Norwegian Oild Spill Control Association




The Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association

P.O. Box 125
NO-3191 Horten, Norway

Tel.: +47 33 03 48 25
Fax.: +47 33 03 48 26



















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