The University of Geneva (French: Université de Genève, informally known as Geneva University or UNIGE) is a public research university located in Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded in 1559 by John Calvin, as a theological seminary and law school. It remained focused on theology until the 17th century, when it became a center for Enlightenment scholarship. In 1873, it dropped its religious affiliations and became officially secular. Today, the university is the second-largest university in Switzerland by number of students. In 2009, the University of Geneva celebrated the 450th anniversary of its founding.
UNIGE has programs in various fields but is particularly acknowledged for its academic and research programs in international relations (with Geneva being hostess to a dense agglomeration of international organizations), law, astrophysics, astronomy, genetics (with a record of prominent contributions to the fields of planetary science, genetics, developmental psychology, neuroscience, and theology). The university holds and actively pursues teaching, research, and community service as its primary objectives. In 2011, it was ranked 73rd worldwide by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and 69th in the QS World University Rankings.
UNIGE is a member of the League of European Research Universities, the Coimbra Group and the European University Association.
The University of Geneva is located in several districts in the eastern part of the city and in the near city of Carouge (on the left bank of the Lake Léman and the Rhône), and the different buildings are sometimes very distant from each other. Lectures are given in six different main locations, Les Bastions (the oldest part), Uni Dufour, Sciences I, II and III, Uni Mail and Uni Pignon, Centre Médical Universitaire (CMU), and Battelle; as well as in other less important locations (for instance the Mathematics Section is located at the second and (partly) third and sixth storeys rented by the university in an office building in

The key sectors of research at the University of Geneva are sciences (molecular biology, bio-informatics, etc.), elementary physicis, astrophysics, economics, social sociences, psychology, chemistry, biochemestry and biophysics.
UNIGE is home to six national research centers: in genetics (Frontiers in Genetics), in material sciences (MaNEP), in study of emotions (Affective Sciences), in chemical biology (with EPFL), in study of mental illness (Synaptic, with EPFL and Unil), in study of life path (with Unil). UNIGE also carries research in international studies since the creation in 2013 of the Global Studies Institute, in finance with the Geneva Finance Research Institute, and in environemental studies, with the creation in 2009 of the Institut des sciences de l'environnement.
Famous discoveries have been made by researcher working at UNIGE including the discoveries of extrasolar planets by Michel Mayor, of genetics by Denis Duboule, or of quantic teleportation by Nicolas Gisin.
Over the course of its history, a sizeable number of UNIGE alumni have become notable in their fields, both academic, and in the wider world. Affiliates of the University of Geneva have won 10 Nobel prizes and 2 Fields Medals.
The University has hosted several Nobel laureates as students, researchers and/or professors: Norman Angell (1872–1967), Nobel Peace Prize 1933; Karl Gunnar Myrdal (1898–1987) Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 1974; Daniel Bovet (1907–1992), Nobel Prize in Medicine 1957; Niels Kaj Jerne (1911–1994), Nobel Prize in Medicine 1984; Maurice Allais (1911–2010), Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 1988; Edmond H. Fischer (1920–), Nobel Prize in Medicine 1992; Martin Rodbell (1925–1998), Nobel Prize in Medicine 1994; Alan Jay Heeger (1936- ), Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000; Werner Arber (1929– ), Nobel Prize in Medicine 1978; Kofi Annan (1938– ), Nobel Peace Prize 2001.
It has also hosted two Fields medal laureates: Vaughan Jones (1952– ), Fields Medal laureate in 1990 and Stanislav Smirnov (1970– ), Fields Medal laureate in 2010.
and NGOs
For over 100 years, Switzerland has been home to many international organizations. With its 84 international organizations, programmes, institutes and funds; 250 NGOs; 171 countries represented; and 246 permanent missions and delegations, Geneva can be considered the capital of multilateral diplomacy. For the role it plays as host city for international organizations it has been dubbed «International Geneva», and indeed, together with New York, Geneva is the largest center of negotiation and international cooperation in the world.

L'Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement (ISE) est une entité inter-facultaire de l’Université de Genève impliquant la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales, la Faculté des Sciences et la Faculté de Médecine.
L’ISE a pour vocation l’enseignement et la recherche interdisciplinaires dans des domaines très actuels et porteurs de l’environnement que sont le climat, l’énergie, l’eau, la biodiversité, l'écologie humaine, l’urbanisme et la gouvernance, ou encore la santé.
L'enjeu est celui de la construction de passerelles entre l’environnement naturel et l’environnement construit, avec des thématiques qui touchent aussi bien les enjeux de la protection des ressources naturelles que ceux du développement économique, du bien-être social et sanitaire, de gouvernance et de sécurité.
Se basant sur une expertise éprouvée depuis de nombreuses années à Genève, et en s’adjoignant de nouveaux domaines, l’ISE tente de se démarquer d’autres entités dédiées à la recherche environnementale par la promotion de l’interdisciplinarité et la mise en réseau de compétences nationales et internationales.
L’ISE connaît déjà un succès à la hauteur de ses ambitions : la coordination de trois grands projets européens ACQWA , ENVIROGRIDS et EOPOWER (7e Programme-cadre de recherche et développement), la participation à de nombreux autres projets financés par l’UE comme COST, ESPON ou les projets du 6e Programme-cadre, le Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, ainsi que le secteur public et privé.
Des liens internationaux de l’ISE comprennent une participation active aux travaux du GIEC (Groupe Intergouvernemental pour l’étude de l’Evolution du Climat, ou IPCC en anglais), co-récipiendaire en 2007 du Prix Nobel de la Paix, à ceux du PNUE (Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement, notamment avec le UNEP/GRID et Programme GEPP) ainsi qu’avec l’OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) et le PNUD (Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement). Pour renforcer son caractère international, plusieurs accords d’échange de chercheurs et d’étudiants existent déjà avec des universités telles que UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) et UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal).
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur du MUSE (Master Universitaire en Sciences de l’Environnement) à la rentrée académique de 2007, l’ISE accueille environ 50 nouveaux étudiants par année. L'ISE et l’Université de Genève répondent donc à une réelle demande de formation avancée, permettant aux étudiants d’explorer la complexité et la globalité des phénomènes environnementaux. Vu l’intégration des questions environnementales dans l’agenda politique et économique du monde d’aujourd’hui, les étudiants ayant suivi le MUSE pourront mettre leurs connaissances au service du monde professionnel ou académique.
Enfin, les services à la Cité sont déjà nombreux et répondent à une demande croissante de la part du public et des autorités politiques de mieux connaître les enjeux environnementaux, que ce soit par le biais de conférences grand-public, de consulting auprès des décideurs politiques et économiques, de présence auprès des médias, de partenariats pour la diffusion des connaissances (par exemple TSR-Découverte avec la Télévision Suisse Romande), ou encore de cours de formation continue.

on the River Thames in London
Après Miami et New York, le MS Tûranor PlanetSolar a rejoint Boston le 22 juin dernier, avec à son bord des scientifiques de l’Université de Genève (UNIGE). Les chercheurs naviguent sur le plus grand bateau solaire jamais construit pour mener à bien l’expédition « PlanetSolar DeepWater » qui vise à analyser le Gulf Stream, l’un des plus importants régulateurs du climat européen et nord-américain. A l’occasion de cette troisième étape américaine, l’équipe de PlanetSolar et de l’UNIGE renforcera ses interactions avec d’importantes institutions telles que le Boston Children’s Museum, le Boston Museum of Science, le Greentown Labs, le MIT Energy Club ou encore le Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Escale du 22 au 27 juin (Fan Pier Marina).
La capitale du Massachusetts est particulièrement reconnue pour ses programmes de recherche dans les domaines technologiques et océanographiques, et de nombreuses institutions sont fortement impliquées dans le développement durable. C’est l’occasion pour PlanetSolar et l’UNIGE de partager les enjeux de l’expédition « DeepWater » en organisant une série d’événements avec le soutien de Swissnex Boston. Les enfants pourront, par exemple, participer à la construction d’une maquette de bateau solaire lors d’un atelier au Boston Children Museum; des conférences publiques seront organisées avec des chercheurs de l’UNIGE, du MIT Energy Club et du Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute; une exposition temporaire sera proposée au Boston Science Museum, etc.
«Ce projet est en parfaite adéquation avec les missions de notre Université que sont l’enseignement, la recherche et le service à la cité. Berceau de la gouvernance globale, Genève a naturellement été impliquée dans une telle aventure. C’est en effet au coeur de la cité de Calvin que les organisations internationales et les grands décideurs se penchent sur les défis liés au changement climatique», précise Jean-Dominique Vassalli, recteur de l’UNIGE.
Parti d’Oostende (Belgique) le 30 août, le plus grand bateau solaire au monde a atteint, un jour plus tard, Londres, clôturant ainsi la campagne de mesures scientifiques le long du Gulf Stream, « PlanetSolar DeepWater ». A bord du catamaran transformé en plateforme scientifique.

de Janeiro - Measuring Saharan dust effect
along the River Seine -
Short report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, as
the Swiss solar-powered vessel passes beneath the Tower Bridge in London, thus marking the end of the "DeepWater"
expedition. In the French-Swiss daily newspaper "Le
Short report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, as
the Swiss solar-powered vessel passes beneath the Tower Bridge in
London, in the Sunday newspapers "Sunday Express" and the
"Sun on Sunday";
Short report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, as
the Swiss solar-powered vessel complete its Trans-Atlantic crossing
and land-fall in Ostende, Belgium, in the nautical pages of the
French daily newspaper "Le Figaro". Also in the Swiss
media network "SDA" (Schweizerische Depeschenagentur)
Short report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, as
the Swiss solar-powered vessel arrives in St John's/Newfoundland, in
the nautical pages of the French daily newspaper "Le Figaro"
Several reports on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
as the Swiss solar-powered vessel arrives in St John's/Newfoundland,
in the specialized nautical press, notably: "Maritime
Directory", "Cleant Technica", and "Charter
Interview concerning the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
expedition, in the Swiss online media site"Largeur.Com"
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition and the
Swiss solar-powered vessel, in the Canadian daily newspapers
"Chronicle-Herald" and "City News Toronto"
Short article on the exhibition in Geneva that is dedicated to the
"PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, in the Geneva daily
newspaper "Le Courrier"
Citation concerning chaotic behavior of weather and climate,
following a short article written in the context of the
International Year of Mathematics on the French website www.mpt2013.fr,
in the French-Swiss daily newspaper "Le Temps"
Report on the opening of the exhibition in Geneva dedicated to the
scientific issues that the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
expedition is addressing, in the Geneva daily newspaper "La
Tribune de Genève"
Science report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the Zurich daily newspaper "TAGES ANZEIGER"
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition and the
Swiss solar-powered vessel, in the specialized nautical review
Full page report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition
and the Swiss solar-powered vessel, in the science pages of the
German national daily newspaper "Die Welt", accessible
via: Die
Science report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the "NEW YORK TIMES", accessible via: New
York Times/Science Pages
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, in the
daily Boston newspaper"BOSTON GLOBE", accessible via: Boston
"Full page update report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
project in New York, in "La Tribune de Genève"
Online report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE", in its series on
"The Great Energy Challenge", accessible via: National
Geographic Energy Challenge
"Extensive reporting on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
project, after the arrival of the solar-powered vessel in New York,
in the following media:
Economic Times online
Huffington Post online
Figaro, Paris
Presse (Canada) online
Business Times
Insider Australia
and further media reports from the United States, Canada, France,
Switzerland, Brazil, China, Pakistan, India, Singapore, the
Philippines and Belgium !
"Full-page article on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
project, in the "Miami Herald " . DeepWater
Article on "PlanetSolar DeepWater" project, in the Swiss
technical review "Revue Technique Suiise " .
"Portrait of a Swiss personality" with reflections on
climatic change issues and the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
project, in the Swiss daily newspaper "24-heures " .
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition and the
"live iceberg" exhibit within the University of Geneva, in
the Swiss daily newspaper "La Tribune de Genève " .
Interview on the unusually cool and wet spring 2013 in Switzerland,
in the Swiss daily newspaper "Le Matin " .
Article on the possible mechanisms underlying the cool and wet
srping 2013 in Switzerland, in the Swiss daily newspaper
"24-heures " .
Article on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" Project in the
Swiss-German daily newspaper "Tages Anzeiger " .
Article on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" Project in the
Swiss weekly magazine "Terre et NAture " .
Article on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" Project in the
Swiss nautical journal "Nautique.ch" .
Articles in many Moroccon daily newspapers on the first stopover of
the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition in Rabat, Morocco.
Among the major titles: "Matin.ma", "La Nouvelle
Tribune", "Menara.ma", "Maghress".
Articles in several specialist maritime journals on the first
stopover of the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition in
Rabat, Morocco. Among the major titles: "Maritime Press",
"CHarter World", and "Maritime Directories"
(UK); "ABC.es" (Spain); and "Mediamaritim
International" (Germany).
Articles in most Swiss-French daily newspapers on the departure of
the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, in particular
"Le Temps", "La Tribune de Genève",
"24-heures", "L'Express de Neuchâtel", "La
Liberté", "Le Nouvelliste". Also in the Swiss-German
press: "Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ)" and "St-Galler
Tagblatt". Further articles in the French and German media
(e.g., "Le Figaro").
Article in "L'Express de Neuchâtel" on the objectives of
the "Planet Solar Deepwater Expedition".
Article in "Le Matin Dimanche" on the paradox of cold
winters emerging in Europe despite the strong retreat of sea-ice in
the Arctic.
Full-page article in "Le Temps" on the "Planet Solar
Deepwater Project", that aims to use in 2013 the Swiss
solar-powered vessel "Planet Solar" to undertake
pionneering measurements along the Gulf Stream, from Miami (Florida)
to Longyearbyen (Svalbard/Spitzbergen). The artile also mentions
that the "Deepwater" project won the "Global+5"
Innovation Award in Geneva on October 9, 2012. Following this
article, a number of other media carried articles on this project,
notably "Le Figaro" (Paris), "L'Express" (Neuchâtel),
"La Liberté" (Fribourg), and a number of Swiss-German
media in Basel, Solothurn, Olten, Chur, and Liechstenstein.
Report on the ACQWA-related research on Tien-Shan glaciers and water
resources, in "Le Temps"
Interview in the Sunady newspaper "Le Matin Dimanche"
concerning our societies' perspectives on cold waves as experienced
in most of Europe in early February 2012
Interview in the daily newspaper "La Tribune de Genève"
concerning a retrospective analysis of environmental and climate
extremes in 2011
Interview in the daily newspaper "La Tribune de Genève"
concerning the strong winter wind-storm "Joachim" that
affected Switzerland on December 16, 2011
Interview in the daily newspaper "Le Temps" concerning
current knowledge on climatic change at the start of the climate
negotiations in Durban, South Africa (COP-17)
Interview in the daily newspaper "Le Matin" concerning the
viability of a lifetime ski-pass offer for medium-elevation
Interview in the Geneva newspaper "La Tribune de Genève"
concerning the exceptional drought conditions in parts of Europe and
Switzerland since the beginning of the year 2011
Citation in the Sunday newspaper "Le Matin Dimanche"
concerning a recent study by US scientists linking climatic change
and the stratospheric ozone hole
Report in the Neuchâtel newspaper "L'Express" concerning
the agreement between the ACQWA project coordinated by M. Beniston
and the Canton of Valais
Interviews and newspaper reports on the signing of an information
exchange agreement between the ACQWA project coordinated by M.
Beniston and the Canton of Valais, in the daily newspapers "Le
Nouvelliste", "Le Temps", and "Le Courrier"
Interview in the daily newspaper "Tribune de Genève" on
the links between the 2010-2011 La Nina event and extreme weather
(e.g., floods in Queensland, Australia)
Interview in the weekly journal "Coopération", with
respect to a projected trip to Antarctica in January 2013
Interview in the daily newspapers "Tribune de Genève" and
"24-Heures" (Lausanne) concerning the issues related to
the climate negotiations (COP-16) scheduled for early December 2010
in Cancun, Mexico
Interview in the weekly magazine "L'Illustré" concerning
the extreme climate events in Asia
Quotes in "Le Temps" concerning the extreme climate events
in Asia
Quotes in "Le Matin" concerning the extreme events in
Russia, Pakistan and China and its possible relevance to climatic
Interview concerning the possible changes in water resources in the
Alps in a warmer climate, in the weekly journal "Terre et
Interview by the "Tribune de Genève" on the controversies
raised by "climate skeptics"
Quotes concerning the attacks on the IPCC reports, in the
"Tribune de Genève" and "Le Courrier"
Quotes concerning the extent of the ice sheet during the last ice
age and the risks that a greenhouse world may not lead to
appropriate conditions for a return of the next ice age, in "La
Tribune de Genève"
Quotes concerning the attacks against the errors in the IPCC
reports, in "Le Temps"
Interview in “La Tribune de Genève” and « 24-Heures »
concerning the outcome of the Copenhagen climate summit
Interview in "Sudostschweiz" on climate research in
Interviews in “Tribune de Genève” and “24-Heures”
concerning COP-15 in Copenhagen
Article in the financial weekly "Bilan"
concerning the possibility of creating a supercomputing center
dedicated to Earth and Climate Simulations
Article in "Agri Hebdo" on issues related to the impacts
of climatic change on agriculture
25/09/2009: Articles
in « Le Temps », « Tribune de Genève » on the formal opening of
the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva
Citation in "The Financial Times" with respect to
heat waves and impacts on wine-growing
Interview in "La Tribune de Genève" in the context of
World Climate Conference 3
Interview concerning the possibilities and limits of seasonal
climate forecasts in the daily newspaper "Le Temps"
Review of the book "Changements Climatiques et
Impacts" in the daily newspaper "Tribune de Genève"
Review of the book "Changements Climatiques et
Impacts" in the daily newspaper "24-Heures"
Review of the book "Changements Climatiques et Impacts" in
the daily newspaper "Le Temps"
Interview in the weekly magazine "L'Illustré" on
climate issues following the publication of the book "Changements
Climatiques et Impacts
Interview in "24-Heures" concerning the supposed
debates on climatic change
Interview in "L'Hebdo" following the publication
of the book "Changements Climatiques et Impacts" (click here
for more information)
Interview in "Le Matin" concerning the risks of flooding
following the heavy snowfalls in the Alps during the 2008/2009
Winter season
Interview in "L'Express de Neuchâtel" concerning the
persistence of the cold winter 2008/2009.
Interview in "24-Heures (Lausanne)" concerning the
possible links between a La Nina in the Pacific, the February 2009
heatwave in Australia, and the cold-wave in Western and Central
Citation in "La Tribune de Genève" and
"24-Heures" concerning the surprise overturning of North
Atlantic waters in 2008.
Interview on Global Warming in the Winter 2008/2009 issue
of Swiss Learning Magazine
Citation in “Le Monde” concerning the possibilities of moving
forward during the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
in Poznan, Poland (01-12.12.2008)
Interview concerning the objectives of the Conference of the Parties
to the Kyoto Protocol in Poznan, Poland (01-12.12.2008), in “La
Tribune de Genève” and “24-Heures
Interview/debate with Jacques Levy (EPF-Lausanne) in « Le Temps »
concerning the reality of climate change and how to avoid the most
negative impacts
Announcement in several newspapers of the EU-FP7 “ACQWA” project
that we initiated and are coordinating : “La Tribune de Genève”,
“24-Heures”, “La Liberté” and“Le Temps” in particular
Citation in "La Tribune de Genève" concerning the
behavior of glaciers under warmer climatic conditions
Article in the magazine "L'Echo Magazine" on the
consequences of global warming for the Lake Geneva region of
Article in the weekly magazine "L'Illustré" on retreating
glaciers in the Alps and the Poles
Article in the daily newspaper "Le Temps" concerning the
future Environment Institute of the University of Geneva
Article in the weekly magazine "L'Hebdo" concerning views
on energy savings as a means to reduce the human impact on climate
Full-page interview in "24-Heures" on climate
research in general and the significance of the Nobel Peace Prize in
Article on regional climate model projections for Europein
the first issue of Météo Magazine
18/10/2007: Article in "Terre et Nature" on the
2007 Nobel Peace Prize
Article in "Le Courrier de Genève" on the 2007
Nobel Peace Prize
Article in "Le Matin" and "La Tribune de Genève"
on heat wave projections by 2100
Article in “Le Nouvelliste” and associated newspapers (“La
Liberté”, “Le Courrier de Genève”) on the bad weather in
Article following "election" to the "100
Personalities of Suisse Romande - 2007" in the weekly magazine
Article on warming and heat waves in Switzerland in "L'Illustré"
Commentary on the probability of a heat wave during the Summer of
2007 ("Le Quotidien du Jura")
Interview of Stéphane Goyette concerning issues of
climate modeling ("Le Temps")
Article on predicting the future in the weekly magazine "L'Hebdo"
Special issue of the weekly magazine "L'Hebdo" with
several interviews of M. Beniston on future climate trends and

and Scientific Articles in the daily newspaper "Le Temps"
Beniston unless otherwise stated)
2005-2011, approximately once every two months, an article by M.
Beniston, appeared in the French-Swiss daily newspaper “Le
Temps”, on issues related to climate events and climate policy:
Sous nos latitudes, le climat sera-t-il chaud et sec?
à chaque fois que l’on vit une période météorologique anormale,
comme cet hiver et ce printemps exceptionnellement secs et doux, on
peut légitimement se poser la question de savoir si l’on se
trouve dans une logique de changement climatique…
Limiter la hausse des températures planétaires à 2°C de plus
qu’en 1900 ne résoudra pas tout…
a vu passer ces derniers jours, noyée dans l’actualité
turbulente des révolutions en cours en Afrique du Nord,
l’information selon laquelle le Conseil des Etats serait favorable
à une réduction de 20% des émissions de CO2 pour contribuer à la
lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. La Suisse confirme ainsi
son alignement sur les positions de l’Union Européenne qui visent
à limiter la hausse des températures du globe à « seulement » 2°C
de plus que les valeurs préindustrielles. Une gageure, puisque les
gouvernements et l’économie devront trouver les moyens, et
rapidement, pour que les températures planétaires ne dépassent
pas 1 à 1,25°C à partir d’aujourd’hui, la hausse étant déjà
de près de 1°C depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle. Autant dire une
cible très difficile à atteindre, vu la longue inertie du système
Nous grelotons et le climat se réchauffe? Explications d'un
paradoxe apparent...
une décennie d’hivers très doux, nous retrouvons les rigueurs
d’antan. Ces tendances sont dues à l’action changeante de deux
centres d’activité climatique, l’anticyclone des Açores et la
dépression de l’Islande. Par Martin Beniston Après une décennie
d’hivers très doux, nous retrouvons les rigueurs d’antan. Ces
tendances sont dues à l’action changeante de deux centres
d’activité climatique, l’anticyclone des Açores et la dépression
de l’Islande...
Climat, GIEC et la tentation du déni... En tant que
climatologue ayant participé activement au GIEC comme l’un de ses
vice-présidents de 1992 à 1997, je suis frappé par la virulence
des attaques contre cette organisation qui, certes, a pris au fil
des années une lourdeur administrative et bureaucratique très
onusienne. Dans un premier temps très irrité par ces attaques à répétition
– la controverse est après tout l’un des fonds de commerce des
médias – je dois constater que le GIEC n’a pas saisi à temps
l’ampleur de son problème de communication ni l’occasion de
rectifier le tir par rapport à ses regrettables erreurs. Vu son rôle
dans le modelage de la politique climatique internationale, le GIEC
ne peut se permettre de cafouiller au niveau de sa communication…
Espérons que la commission d’évaluation mise en place par le
Secrétaire général de l’ONU permettra de calmer les esprits.
Le Chili, l’eau et la Suisse de demain... L’étude de
ce qui se passe dans les cours d’eau chiliens est intéressante à
plus d’un titre. Au niveau physique, bien sûr, car lorsque les
glaciers auront disparu et que la neige sera beaucoup moins
abondante, l’eau commencera à manquer très sérieusement en de
nombreux endroits du pays...
Les détracteurs de la thèse du réchauffement climatique passent
à l'attaque subtile... Un récent article signé par un
membre du Collège des Humanités de l’EPFL dans les pages «
Eclairages » du « Temps » (16 septembre 2009), basé sur un
article paru dans une obscure revue de physique, illustre la
nouvelle approche utilisée par les détracteurs de la thèse du réchauffement.
Ce n’est plus l’attaque frontale des sceptiques du climat du
passé, mais une approche qui utilise – parfois hors contexte –
des articles, citations, reportages d’experts de tout ordre. Ces
attaques sont adoucies par des conclusions de type « mais il faudra
de toute façon aborder la question de l’utilisation de l’énergie
fossile », sur des bases essentiellement économiques mais,
curieusement, peu humanistes…
La banquise polaire, un maillon faiblissant du système climatique. De
retour d'une expédition au pôle Nord et dans l'Arctique russe,
[...] force est de constater que cette fascinante région est
soumise à des mutations nettement plus rapides que prévu et qui
vont transformer non seulement l'écosystème arctique en
particulier mais également le climat de notre planète en général...
19/02/2009: Barack
Obama peut-il dompter le climat? Un vent nouveau a envahi
ces derniers jours la politique américaine et mondiale avec
l’investiture de Barack Obama le 20 janvier dernier, tandis
qu’un vent mauvais balayait le sud-ouest de la France quatre jours
plus tard. On tentera de mettre en relation ces deux événements
forts médiatisés…
Crise financière: le climatet l'environnement attendront….Les
évènements qui s’accélèrent depuis quelques semaines par
rapport à la crise financière ne sont pas sans rappeler la chute
du Mur de Berlin en 1989 et l’effondrement du système soviétique,
et d’aucuns voient dans la crise planétaire actuelle la fin du
modèle capitaliste. Je ne suis pas économiste, ...
25/09/2008: Les
20 ans du GIEC (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution
du climat). Le 31 août dernier s’est tenue au Bâtiment
des Forces Motrices à Genève une cérémonie en l’honneur des 20
ans du GIEC, en présence notamment de Ban Ki-moon, secrétaire-général
de l’ONU, et de Moritz Leuenberger, conseiller fédéral...
Patrimoine de l'humanité, le vignoble de Lavaux résistera au
changement climatique. Le réchauffement climatique
pourrait être fatal au glacier d'Aletsch, inscrit au Patrimoine de
l'Unesco. Lavaux, qui l'y a rejoint, pourra mieux s'adapter. Même
si le chasselas risque un jour ou l'autre d'être remplacé par des
vins du Midi...
Réchauffement: des ouragans moins nombreux, mais encore plus
violents. Malgré nos connaissances actuelles, les capacités
de prédire l'évolution future des tempêtes tropicales en fonction
des changements climatiques restent limitées, en raison de
l'immense masse des données à analyser pour les simulations.
Eau, pétrole, climat: un point de non-retour? L'horizon
2040-2050 n'est plus très loin et, pour beaucoup de décisions à
prendre sur le long terme, c'est déjà "demain". Il
serait grand temps que les responsables cessent de tergiverser
chaque fois qu'un rapport alarmant sur l'état de nos ressources
planétaires est publié...
Krach boursier, fibrillation cardiaque, extrêmes climatiques, même
combat... Une analyse mathématique a pu démontrer que le
passage de l'ordre rigide au chaos destructeur est identique, quel
que soit le système, et concerne aussi bien les fluctuations économiques,
biologiques, que climatiques...
La Conférence sur le climat à Bali: un tournant? A quoi
servent les grandes rencontres internationales sur les problèmes d'écologie?
A avancer? A tourner en rond? Elles servent en tout cas à asseoir
le souci de préservation de la planète sur l'agenda des
gouvernants et dans l'opinion publique. Les solutions, elles, sont
Nobel pour le climat: le monde va-t-il se réveiller? Il
faut espérer que le Prix Nobel attribué à Al Gore et au GIEC
contribuera à dépasser les bonnes intentions, notamment dans le
financement de la formation: car on commence à manquer de spécialistes
dans les domaines scientifiques permettant d'aborder les problèmes
La désertification est un processus physique avec forte dimension
humaine. Un récent colloque à Wengen a permis à des
chercheurs du monde entier de préciser quelques mécanismes de la désertification
et leurs conséquences. Ainsi, en Afrique, ce sont moins les céréales
que les protéines qui manquent..
Nos saisons anormalement chaudes ressemblent déjà au climat prévu
en 2100. Les saisons record de ces dernières années
atteignent déjà, voire dépassent ponctuellement, les températures
prévues pour la fin du XXIe siècle. Cela permet d'entrevoir leurs
impacts environnementaux et économiques futurs..
Au pays de l'hiver, le réchauffement climatique inquiète aussi.
Au Québec, l'hiver ne s'est installé que très tardivement et des
records de chaleur ont été enregistrés, dépassant de 25° les
moyennes habituelles. La fonte de la banquise perturbe le style de
vie traditionnel des autochtones canadiens..
Le climat vous souhaite une bonne et chaude année 2007. Si
le rapport de 2001 du Groupe intergouvernemental pour l'étude de l'évolution
du climat prévoyait un réchauffement de 2 à 6°C, l'une des
conclusions du rapport 2007 est que l'on se situera plutôt vers 6°C..
Climat: un rapport plus important par son auteur que par son contenu.
Le rapport Stern sur le coût à l'économie mondiale du réchauffement,
parce qu'il provient du monde des affaires et non de la communauté
scientifique, a plus de chances de mobiliser les responsables économiques
et politiques...
Climat: le dialogue entre écologie et économie remplace la
confrontation. Alors que les professionnels commencent à
intégrer le réchauffement de la planète dans leurs stratégies
d'avenir, on constate à quel point les mentalités ont changé et
comment le dialogue entre disciplines s'est amélioré...
Climat: On commence à percer les mécanismes subtils des vagues de
chaleur en Europe. De nouvelles études permettent de mieux
cerner la genèse et l'intensité des canicules sur l'Europe. Elles
permettent de prévoir des canicules au moins aussi intenses que
celle de 2003 pour cinq étés au moins sur dix d'ici à la fin du
Ne pas confondre recherche et administration. Le
commentaire paru dans Le Temps du 27 juillet par rapport au
changement de rectorat à l'Université de Genève m'a quelque peu
surpris. L'auteur prétend qu'il serait peut-être judicieux
d'attendre «l'assainissement» de l'Université avant d'envisager
de nouvelles structures, notamment la création de ...
Le public perçoit-il mieux le changement climatique?
Martin Beniston, président du département de géosciences de
l'Université de Fribourg, interprète le succès de films comme
celui d'Al Gore et d'autres comme des signes de progrès...
(M. Beniston unless otherwise
Live panel discussion on extreme weather and climate, on the
English service of "China Radio International"
Interviews of the navigation and scientific teams of the "PlanetSolar
DeepWater" expedition, by the on-line environmental network
"Living On Earth", accessible via: (Click on
"Solar-powered ship" link): Living
on Earth Interviews
Special one-hour program on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
expedition, in the context of the "CQFD" broadcast on the
French-Swiss radio station "RTS La Première", accessible
via: CQFD
Live interview on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
expedition, in the context of the solar-powered vessel's stopover in
Boston, with "Radio Monaco International" radio station
Interviews on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the context of the solar-powered vessel's stopover in Boston,
with Boston Public Radio channel
Interviews on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the context of the solar-powered vessel's stopover in New York,
Belge, Belgian news service
Take Away, US on-line radio news and talk-shows
Guest interview ("L'Invité du Matin") on the Radio-Télévision-Suisse
morning radio news program concerning the particularly cool and wet
spring of 2013
Interview on the Radio-Télévision-Suisse morning radio news
program concerning the possible links between the North Atlantic
Oscillation and the cool and wet spring of 2013
Discussion on the Radio-Télévision-Suisse "CQFD"
Science Program on the environmental implications of receding sea
Early-morning clips on musical and professional choices in life,
Radio-Télévision-Suisse "MP3" Program
Interview on the World Radio Switzerland English service with
respect to the observation of a sharp reduction in Arctic Sea Ice
during the Summer of 2012
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande early morning news with
respect to the observation of a sharp reduction in Arctic Sea Ice
during the Summer of 2012
Interview on Radio France International to comment on the
Canadian Government's intention to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande early morning news with
respect to the WMO report on the State of the World's Climate 2011,
indicating a clear warming trend globally
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande science broadcats
("Impatience"), with respect to successes and difficulties
in climate model projections of future climates
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande science and society
broadcats ("Allo la terre"), to comment on the
catastrophic floods in Italy, Southern France and Thaïland
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande morning news as the guest
of the 7:30 AM news slot ("L'Invité de la Rédaction"),
to comment inter alia the record-breaking month of September in
Switzerland and Europe
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande science program "Impatiences",
related to the polar expedition by the Swiss sailing boat "Chamade"
and the general problems of climatic change in the Arctic
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande evening news concerning the
information exchange agreement between the EU ACQWA project
coordinated by M. Beniston and the local government of the Canton of
Interview on RTBS (Belgian radio service) on snow and skiing in
the Alps in a warmer climate
Hour-long interview on "Babylone", a talk-show on
various aspects of science and personal history
Participation in a debate on Radio Suisse Romande "Espace
2" broadcast on the problems of decision-making in
environmental affairs
Guest on the English morning news show of World Radio Switzerland
31/08/2010: Interview
on Radio Suisse Romande evening news concerning the conclusions of
the UN report on the functionning of the IPCC
Interview on the Swiss-German radio channel DRS-1 concerning the
extreme climatic events in Asia (forest fires and heat wave in
Russia; rain-driven mudslides in China; floods in Pakistan and
Comment on Canal 3 / Bienne on the possible links between climatic
change and the extreme weather events in Russia, Pakistan and China
Comment on Radio Suisse Romande news service regarding the potential
climatic impacts of the Icelandic volcanoe eruption
Interview on the English service of World Radio Switzerland
concerning the errors in the IPCC report
Interview on the morning news program of Radio Suisse Romande
related to the functionning of the IPCC
Interview on the morning news program of Radio Suisse
Romande concerning the errors in the IPCC report on glacier melting
in the Himalaya
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande program "Dans les bras du
figuier", on various aspects of life, history and outlook
Interview on the French Service of "Deutsche Welle" (Bonn,
Germany) regarding the perspectives for climate policy in 2010
Interview on the French Service of "Deutsche Welle" (Bonn,
Germany) regarding the political events related to climate that took
place in 2009
Interview on World Radio Switzerland concerning the outcome of the
Copenhagen climate summit
Interview on “Radio-Cité” (Geneva) on the likely outcome of the
Copenhagen climate summit
Participation in a lunchtime news debate on “Radio-Cité”
(Geneva) related to COP-15 in Copenhagen
Participation in the "guest" part of the morning news of
Radio Suisse Romande concerning the forthcoming COP-15 climate
conference in Copenhagen
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande concerning the difficult
negociations of the pre-COP15 meeting in Barcelona
Interview on Radio 702 Johannesburg and Radio Cape Talk (South
Africa) concerning the respective positions of the industrialized
and the developing world in the Copenhagen process
18/09/2009: Interview
on World Radio Switzerland related to climate and the perspectives
of the Copenhagen COP-15 meeting in December, 2009
Participation in the talk-show "De Quoi je me Mêle" of
the Radio Suisse Romande, on issues pertaining to the impacts of
climatic change on Switzerland
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande, morning news service, concerning
the Green Pioneering Summit in Verbier (August 1-2, 2009)
Participation in the scientific programme
"Impatience" of the Radio Suisse Romande, on issues of
global dimming and global brightening
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande, morning news service, concerning
fine particles in the atmosphere and their potential impacts on
human health
Participation in the scientific programme "Impatience"
of the Radio Suisse Romande, in part to talk about the book "Changements
Climatiques et Impacts"
Interview on World Radio Switzerland on the outcomes of the
Copenhagen Climate Conference (March 9-13, 2009)
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande 7 AM news concerning the
persistence and amount of snow of the 2008/2009 winter season in
Interview on the French Service of Deutsche Welle on the
perspectives for climate negotiations in 2009
Interview on World Radio Switzerland related to the possible
outcomes of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in
Poznan (01.12.2008-12.12.2008)
Interview on the 12:30 news of Radio Suisse Romande related to the
risks associated with a reduction in the priority of climate
protection as a result of the global financial crisis
Interview on Radio Chablais on climate issues in advance of a
seminar on climatic change to take place in Monthey/VS on November
20, 2008
Interview on the 12:30 news of Radio Suisse Romande related to the
G8 decision to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050
Interview on the Radio Suisse Romande programme “Haute Définition”
related to chaos theory and climate
Radio Suisse Romande commentary on the news related to Antarctic sea
ice dislocation
Radio Suisse Romande, participation in "Le Grand 8" on
issues related to fraud in science
Radio DRS, interview on the uncertainties in complex systems
Radio Suisse Romande commentary on the link between warm ocean
temperatures and hurricane activity
Radio Suisse Romande, commentary on the outcome of the Bali
Connference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
Radio Suisse Romande, short commentary on views of Swiss politicians
and their response to climatic change issues
Interviews by Radio Suisse Romande, Radio Suisse Internationale and
Agence Télégraphique Suisse concerning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
awarded inter alia to the IPCC
20-minute talk-show on Radio Suisse Romande on climate and
water (“Impatiences”)
Interview on climate and water issues in Africa, French Service of
“DeutscheWelle” international radio
Participation in a debate on Radio Suisse Romande (8 AM news) on
whether the media talk too much about climatic change (Stéphane
Radio Suisse Romande, Commentary on the abnormally warm seasons of
the past 12 months
One-hour talk-show on Radio Suisse Romande on climate (“Devine qui
vient Dîner”)
Press conference at the Palais des Nations (Geneva) concerning the
publication of the IPCC AR4 (WGII) report. Radio Suisse Romande,
Radio-Lac, and several newspapers (Le Temps, La Tribune de Genève,
Le Nouvelliste, La Liberté) prepare articles on the event over the
following few days
Interview on "Allô la Planète", France-Inter
Commentary on the publication of the IPCC AR4 (WG1) report, Radio
Suisse Romande
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande concerning the unusually mild
start to the winter
Interview on Radio Suisse Romande concerning the record warm autumn
of 2006

(M. Beniston unless otherwise
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, with
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) News network during the
stopover of the solar-powered vessel in St John's, Newfoundland
on the Canadian CTV Channel concerning the arrival of the "PlanetSolar
DeepWater" expedition in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Accessible via: CTV-Canada.
on the 19:30 evening news programme of the Radio-Télévision Suisse
(RTS French Service) concerning the scientific objectives of the
"PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, filmed in Miami, New
York, and Boston, and accessible via: TJSoir.
Report on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition, with
the Fox News network in Boston
Interview on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the context of the solar-powered vessel's stopover in Boston,
with the ABC network in Boston
Interview on the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition,
in the context of the solar-powered vessel's stopover in New York,
Djazeera English News Service
and others
on the evening news of the TV Suisse Romande concerning the critical
flood situation in Central and Eastern Europe.
on CBS-Miami news channel concerning the "PlanetSolar DeepWater"
expedition and its imminent departure from Miami for its measurement
campaign on the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic.
Suisse Romande, on-line set of interviews (in French) in the context
of the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" project, accessible via:
on the 19:30 evening news programme of the Radio-Télévision Suisse
(RTS French Service) concerning the unusually cool and wet spring of
on the 19:30 evening news programme of the Radio-Télévision Suisse
(RTS French Service) on the departure of the "PlanetSolar
DeepWater" expedition.
on the 24-hour French news service "BFM-TV" related to the
departure of the "PlanetSolar DeepWater" expedition.
on the 19:30 evening news programme of the Radio-Télévision Suisse
(RTS French Service) on the extreme events in Australia and the
general context of changing extremes in a warming climate.
TV, contribution to a broadcast on the Aletsch Glacier in the Swiss
Alps and its scientific, scenic, and cultural aspects.
Suisse Romande, comment on the apparent paradox between shrinking
Arctic sea ice and increasing Antarctic ice mass.
Svizzera Italiana, comment on the recent NASA global warming
animation and its implications for Arctic climatic change.
Suisse Romande, interview on the evening news "TJ Soir"
concerning the state of Arctic warming and the apparent paradox with
the anonalously cold early February in Europe.
Suisse Romande, interview on the evening news "TJ Soir"
concerning the outcomes of the Durban Conference of the Parties to
the Climate Convention (COP-17) and the future of the Kyoto
Suisse Romande, on-line set of interviews in the context of the
excursion through the North-West Passage (Canadian arctic) of the
Swiss sailing boat "Chamade", accessible via: "Climat"
TV Suisse Romande, interview on the evening news (TJ Soir 19:30)
concerning the extreme climatic events in Russia, China and Pakistan
9-minute program on the ACQWA project coordinated by the C3i Climate
Group of the University of Geneva, on the international TV channel
EURONEWS (in its scientific documentary series "Futuris").
Available via Euronews YouTube Alpine
30/11/2009: Guest
interview on the programme “Geopolitis” of the TV Suisse Romande,
concerning the objectives of COP-15 in Copenhagen
29/09/2009: Interview
on RAI “Regione Aosta” in the context of the European ACQWA
project and the objectives of the 2009 Annual General Assembly
meeting in Courmayeur, Italy
France-24 TV, interview at the opening of the 3rd World Climate
Conference in Geneva
TV Suisse Romande, interview on the evening news (TJ Soir 19:30) on
the risks of flooding following the heavy snowfalls of the 2008/2009
Winter season.
TV Suisse Romande, interview on the lunchtime news (TJ Midi 12:45)
on Antarctic warming
TV Suisse Romande (Science Show "Nouvo"), interview on
using geo-engineering techniques to combat global warming
TV Suisse Romande (Science Show "Le Court Du Jour"),
interview on the implications of receding glaciers in a warmer
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Soir, 19:30), commentary on the G-8 decision
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050
France 3, Children's Science Program "C'est pas Sorcier",
consultancy and citation in the program dedicated to snow and skiing
in the Alps in a warmer climate
Discovery Channel, contribution to the documentary "Megaworld
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Soir, 19:30) commentary on the outcome of the
Bali Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
TV Suisse Romande, interview on climate projections for Switzerland
(“Mise au Point”)
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Soir, 19:30) commentary on the increase in ice
mass at the summit of the Mont Blanc
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Midi, 12:45 and TJ Soir, 19:30), commentary on
the new Masters Program on Environmental Science at the University
of Geneva
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Soir, 19:30) item on the findings of the paper
by Beniston published end August in Geophysical Research Letters on
the record seasons in Switzerland since 2003 and the probability of
repetition in a warmer climate by 2100
TV Suisse Romande (TJ Soir, 19:30), interview regarding the
publication of the "Impacts" volume of the IPCC 4th
Assessment Report
Comment on the publication of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report, TV
Suisse Romande (TJ Soir), by Douglas Cripe
Comment on the TV Suisse Romande evening news (TJ Soir, 19:30)
concerning the UK Hadley Center projections of 2007 as the warmest
year on record
Contribution to the TV Suisse Romande program “Infrarouge” on
the reality of global warming

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departments around the world are looking for fleet energy savings. The Bluefish SNAV
platform is a robotic ocean workhorse based on a stable
hull design under development by a British company in the UK. The robot
ship uses no diesel fuel to monitor the oceans autonomously (COLREGS
compliant) at relatively high
speeds of 8-10 knots 24/7 and 365 days a year - only possible with the revolutionary (patent) energy harvesting system. The
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International development partners and enquiries on licensing
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source projects on special terms subject to contract. This vessel
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