Marine measurement scientific measurements, instruments , forum, ASV Global, Portchester



    Ocean waste, ol drum, plastic crate and fishing nets


Measure that. Our oceans are littered with every kind of waste that man is capable of dumping on land. We're slowly killing marine life and poisoning our food supply. Why? That's a good question. In the UK we have all the expertise to solve this puzzle, but no demonstrable political will as yet.


55th MARINE MEASUREMENT FORUM  -  Programme Announced - Click here for details

Thursday 29th January 2015


ASV is delighted to host the 55th Marine Measurement Forum on Thursday 29th January 2015.


The event will be held at the new ASV facility in Portchester: Unit 12 Murrils Estate, Southampton Road, Portchester, PO16 9RD.

The event

The format for the day is a series of 20 minute talks from representatives of research institutions and commercial organisations on topics ranging from scientific research, instrumentation and survey projects. The day provides the ideal opportunity to network and share ideas with others working in the ocean industries.

Guests will have the opportunity to tour the new ASV facility.

The full programme and joining information can be seen here:

* Programme

* Joining information (for those already registered)

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.


Registration is now open. To book your place, scan and email the completed registration form to The price to attend is £30 + VAT per person. Payment can be made my BACS or by cheque. Please note, payment is required to secure bookings. Early registration is advisable as places are limited and will be issued on a first come first served basis.

Call for speakers - NOW CLOSED

ASV is looking for speakers for the event. If you would like to give a presentation, please send a provisional title and a short summary of your talk to Presentations will be 20 minutes with 5 minutes of questions at the end.

About the MMF

The Marine Measurement Forum (MMF) is a series of one-day, non-profit making events that provides opportunities for the informal exchange of ideas, knowledge, techniques and developments across an extensive range of marine scientific measurement activities. Attendees typically include scientists, surveyors, engineers and business people from a variety of organisations including research centres, academia, manufacturers, survey companies, consultants, monitoring authorities, dredging companies, port authorities, oil companies, societies, etc. Each MMF is normally hosted within southern England with occasional excursions to other parts of the UK.

For more information, visit



PROGRAMME - 55th Marine Measurement Forum Programme
Thursday 29th January 2015, ASV



09:00 - Registration opens, refreshments


09:20 - Welcome to the 55th Marine Measurement Forum
Dan Hook, ASV

Session 1: Instrumentation

09:30 - Datawell Directional Waverider 4 buoy – early adopters and key differences to DWR 3.
Terry Edwards, RS Aqua

09:55 - Expanding your opportunities -- Using the Nortek Signature Series AD2CP for small boat surveys and as a dedicated DVL.
Eric Siegel, Nortek

10:20 - Multibeam Echosounders, why size, power and sonar beam forming features enable greater capability on modern mobile platforms.
Tom Broomfield, Teledyne Reson

10:45 - A real time solution measurement and forecasting system.
Stephen Andre, Alphecca

11:10 - Coffee

Session 2: Facilities

11:30 - Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems Innovation Centre MARS.
Geraint West, National Oceanography Centre

11:55 - The Fast Flow Facility: Working on the edge.
Dr David Todd, HR Wallingford


12:20 - Lunch

13:05 - Latest news from the MMF Steering Group.
Roger Scrivens, RFS Ocean

Session 3: Research and Applications (Part 1)

13:15 - Seeing is believing: holographic imaging of marine suspended particles.
Dr Alex Nimmo-Smith, Plymouth University


13:40 - Long term monitoring at the Western Channel Observatory, showcasing the platforms and tools used to deliver a high quality scientific data set.
Dr James Fishwick, Plymouth Marine Laboratory

14:05 - The MASSMO project: initial results and lessons learned from a mass deployment of marine autonomous vehicles off southwest UK.
Dr Russell Wynn, National Oceanography Centre

14:30 - RBR - product developments and polar deployment stories
Greg Johnson, RBR Ltd

14:55 - Coffee

Session 4: Research and Applications (Part 2)

15:20 - Long endurance ocean measurement missions using the Wave Glider AMV.
Stephen Auld, Liquid Robotics Oil and Gas

15:45 - Crowd sourcing coastal oceanographic data.
Elizabeth Paull, Aquatec

16:10 - ROV applications and deployments.
Sean Newsome, Teledyne SeaBotix


16:35 - Closing remarks
Dan Hook, ASV

16:40 - Close

Tour of ASV facility (optional)




Dan Hook poses with the C Enduro catamaran


Managing Director of ASV Global, Dan Hook, poses with his company's C-Enduro catamaran. What is interesting is that this is a fairly sizeable craft that appears to us not to be able to comply with COLREGs. What then will happen in a case involving collision or loss of human life? The operators of unmanned vehicles are responsible for accidents that they may cause or of any failure to comply with maritime regulations, such as SOLAS.




Introduction: The Marine Measurement Forum (MMF) is a series of one-day, non-profit making events that provides opportunities for the informal exchange of ideas, knowledge, techniques and developments across an extensive range of marine scientific measurement activities. Attendees typically include scientists, surveyors, engineers and business people from a variety of organisations including research centres, academia, manufacturers, survey companies, consultants, monitoring authorities, dredging companies, port authorities, oil companies, societies, etc. Each MMF is normally hosted within southern England with occasional excursions to other parts of the UK.


This document provides guidelines for MMF organisers.


Steering Group: An ad hoc Steering Group comprising four long term and regular MMF attendees, representing Research, Manufacturing, Media and Distribution within the marine science market place, is available to offer advice and assistance to the host.


Host Organiser: The current volunteer host, as confirmed by the Steering Group, will be responsible for compiling the programme for the day, advertising it to the MMF membership and promoting it to the appropriate market places. Support will be provided by the Steering Group. Future hosts will be appointed either by the Steering Group or via recommendation from the present host. A future “host list” is maintained by the MMF Steering Group.


General Format: The event should cover a single day and be organised such that the average attendee can travel to and from the venue on the same day. Frequency is targeted at 6 month intervals and ideally this period should not be shortened but could be extended by 3 months if necessary.


Presentations: A number of 15-20 minute presentations will normally form the bulk of the day’s proceedings. As noted above, it is the host’s responsibility to invite, select and schedule the speakers with the target being to provide a programme offering a balance between scientific research, instrumentation, survey projects, etc. It is preferred that overtly sales based presentations are avoided. The success of the MMF series is founded on the varied range of presentations and that, in turn, is a reflection of the volunteer speakers. The host will monitor the market place for new developments, projects etc to encourage speakers with novel tales to tell. Traditionally the final programme is announced at least 2 weeks before the event date.


Venue: The choice of venue lies with the host but will normally be selected to be easily accessible to the majority of the attendees. A typical venue will be capable of accommodating between 50 - 100 attendees, will provide ample parking spaces, will offer all normal audio/visual presentation facilities and be capable of providing refreshments, inc lunch.


Cost: The MMF is a non-profit making series. The target attendee price is £40-50 which normally includes the provision of light refreshments. It is recommended that the host only confirms bookings against full payment.


Attendees: The MMF series attracts a wide range of attendees including scientists, surveyors, engineers, etc from research organisations, monitoring authorities, survey companies, instrument manufacturers etc. The Steering Group is responsible for maintaining an MMF Mailing List of members. This list will be provided to each host and will represent the core announcement media. However, it is anticipated that each host will use their own marketing facilities to circulate news of the event and all new attendees should subsequently be added to the membership list by the host prior to its return to the Steering Group.


Action schedule: Each host will have his/her own particular admin, marketing, etc preferences but the following constitutes a typical “hosts template”. D-x = X days before event Date.

01) D-150. Identify the MMF date and venue. Announce details to the MMF Steering Group.

02) D-120. Issue initial announcement circular to email list and circulate general details to journals, electronic newsletters and other contacts.

03) D-120. Invite identified speakers. Call for volunteers will form part of the announcement.

04) D-120. Commence creation of attendee and speaker lists.

05) D-060. Issue second announcement including draft programme details.

06) D-015. Issue full programme, map, joining details to all attendees and publicize details via normal PR channels.




ASV Ltd, Unit 12 Murrills Estate, Southampton Road,
Portchester PO16 9RD
+44(0)2392 382573




A SEAVAX DRONE - This is a raw proposal for a robot ship that is designed to vacuum up plastic waste from the ocean based on the Bluefish ZCC concept. The vessel is solar and wind powered - and shares component with other variants. The front end (left) is modified so that there is a wide scoop area, into which plastic waste is funneled as the ship moves forward. The waste is pumped into a large holding bay after treatment, then stored until it can be off-loaded. The rear of the ship (right) carries two large wind turbines that generate electricity in combination with deck mounted solar panels (shown here in blue) to power the onboard processing machinery. The system can be semi-autonomous, such that in robot mode they alert HQ to any potential problems and share data as to progress for backers. A whole cleanup mission can be controlled from land, with visuals and data streams. A SeaVax would operate using a search program called SeaNet, that would need to be modified for this specific function.





Wikipedia Marine_Biological_Association_of_the_United_Kingdom

Maritime Journal UK funded-ocean robot development

maritime journal autonomous asv robots set sail on uk survey

Marine Link MBA Marine Biological Association fish tracking mission

Wikipedia Scottish_Association_for_Marine_Science

Marine Biological Association of India

Seaworld South African Association Marine Resarch

BSHS travel guide marine biological association plymouth

Daily Mail The-ocean-going-drone-boat-scour-seas-months-tracking-rare-fish-lead-fuel-free-ships

















This website is Copyright © 2015 Bluebird Marine Systems Ltd.   The names Bluebird, Bluefish™, SeaNet™, SeaVax™ and the blue bird in flight  Bluebird trademark legend, blue bird in flight logo logo are  trademarks. The color blue is an essential element of the mark.