On Saturday June 9, 2018, World Oceans Day weekend and the beginning of the 2018 hurricane season, the March for the Ocean (M4O) campaign will mount mass marches, flotillas and rallies in our nation’s capital and around the country. People will be mobilizing to stop reckless offshore oil drilling being pursued by the Trump administration and to promote job-generating clean energy, to call for large-scale reduction in plastic waste that is killing ocean wildlife and to promote protection and restoration of our coastlines in the face of rising seas and intensified hurricanes like last year’s Harvey, Irma and Maria. GLOBENEWSWIRE.COM FEBRUARY 1 2018 -
Next summer, on Saturday June 9, 2018, World Oceans Day weekend and the beginning of the 2018 hurricane season, the March for the Ocean (M4O) campaign will mount mass marches, flotillas and rallies in our nation’s capital and around the country.
People will be mobilizing to stop reckless offshore oil drilling being pursued by the Trump administration and to promote job-generating clean energy, to call for large-scale reduction in plastic waste that is killing ocean wildlife and to promote protection and restoration of our coastlines in the face of rising seas and intensified hurricanes like last year’s Harvey, Irma and Maria.
Everyone is encouraged to ‘Wear Blue for the Ocean’ and to ‘March for the Ocean’ on June 9.
More than 70 M4O partner organizations have enlisted to support this effort to unite at a moment of crisis and policy failure to #MarchForTheOcean and to promote a Healthy Ocean and Clean Water for All.
The growing chorus of supporters includes environmentalists, scientists, surfers, boaters, divers, fishermen, artists, filmmakers, social justice activists, small businesses, major aquariums, deep-sea explorers, students, parents, teachers and citizen activists - everyone who gets so much from our ocean, lakes, and rivers- coming together to give something back.
“Next summer we will see a new wave of resistance – and appreciation - for the other 71 percent of our environment that is the ocean,” said David Helvarg, Chair of the M4O Steering Committee and Executive Director of Blue Frontier Campaign, an ocean conservation and policy group working with other M4O partners including the Sierra Club, Earth Day Network, Greenpeace, Surfrider Foundation, Ocean Conservancy, Plastic Pollution Coalition, the National Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium,
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations and many more (for the full list of march partners to date go to www.marchforocean.com).
“Our coastal lifestyles and economies rely on a healthy coastal environment,” said Chad Nelsen, CEO of the Surfrider Foundation. “Clean water, beach access, healthy beaches and a thriving ocean are worth fighting for.”
March for the Ocean endorsers and participants include:
Dr. Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue
Philippe Cousteau, Earth Echo International
Bill McKibben, 350.org
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Earth Guardians
Wyland - marine artist
Ralph Nader - consumer activist
Action plans include a flotilla of boats and kayaks on the Potomac River, interactive exhibits, a 91-foot life-sized
whale, and a march and rally in Washington, D.C. Sister cities’ marches across America will include Boulder, Colorado; Austin, Texas; San Francisco, California; Tucson, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Cairo, Georgia; Indianapolis, Indiana; Honolulu, Hawaii, and many more underway.
The Ocean is Rising and So Are We! For more information go to: www.marchforocean.com 
- Why It’s Time We March for the Ocean We've recently seen the remarkable capacity of youth to mobilize and to inspire us with a message of change in their march against gun violence. Theirs is also a generation equipped with technologies not just to connect to each other but to better understand our blue planet in ways unimaginable even a generation ago. These include satellite tagging and following of migratory species such as whales, sharks and tuna and accessing the deep ocean with both autonomous robots and human occupied submersibles that allow us to dive into the history of our Earth.
While more than 500 people have blasted into space only three humans have been to the lowest point of our planet, seven miles down in the Pacific. We've mapped less than five percent of our ocean with the resolution we've mapped one hundred percent of the moon and mars. And yet what's the first thing we do when we send a probe to mars in search of life? Look for water.
Even as we're discovering the wonders of our own water planet however—its contribution to the air we breath, the rain that feeds our
crops, the way it regulates our climate and weather—we're also putting these newly discovered connections at risk through greed, short-term thinking and thoughtless exploitation.
The ocean and all of the life it sustains is under threat from industrial overfishing, plastic and other forms of pollution, loss of vital habitat on and offshore and fossil-fuel fired climate change that is raising sea levels, intensifying hurricanes such as last season's Harvey, Irma and Maria, even changing the basic chemistry of the seas through ocean
We know what the solutions are and how to grow them faster than the problems we face. These include transitioning from fossil fuels to job-generating clean energy, reducing and replacing plastic waste in packaging and throwaway products and creating great wilderness reserves or "hope spots" in the ocean to act as an insurance policy for the web of life in a changing ocean. Some nations are stepping up their commitment to our living seas while others including Australia and the U.S. are pulling back from policies that protect ocean systems and all they embrace.
That's why we, our organizations and a coalition of more than 120 others from conservation, business, science, social justice, youth and student groups, along with public officials from both parties (and independents) will be attending March for the Ocean. This will take place Saturday June 9, World Oceans Day weekend, in Washington DC and other locations around the world. It will be the first ever mobilization on behalf of a healthy ocean and clean water for all. Half a century ago we marched to save the whales. Now we're marching to save it all.
We're asking others to join us to Wear Blue and March for the Ocean that day because the fish can't be there to say what they need to say, the whales can't be there, the turtles, the ocean, unless it rains—that's the ocean sending us a message—but we need to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. And that's not just the creatures in the ocean, not just the ocean as a whole, but also those of us yet to come. They can't be there either. But the decisions we make now, the voice that we have now will shape whatever follows—so be there with us, come celebrate, come be a voice!
By Sylvia Earle & David Helvarg
- On Saturday, June 9, 2018, join the March for the Ocean in Washington D.C. or a sister march across the country. We will march to fight offshore oil drilling, end plastic pollution and protect our coastlines!
Every system has a tipping point and the ocean is no exception. Covering 71% of our planet, it's the foundation of life on earth and essential to our future survival. Yet, our generation is bearing witness to a rapid decline of ocean health, spurred by climate change, plastic pollution, energy development, overfishing, and other threats.
That's why people who love and depend on the ocean are assembling in Washington D.C. on June 9th to #MarchForTheOcean (or will wear blue if they can't be there in person). As a movement of environmentalists, beachgoers, surfers, students, fishermen, social justice advocates, businesses and others we must unify our voice to raise awareness of these problems and demand government and industry leaders take action to address them!
Organized by Blue Frontier, the March (MFO) is supported by over 100 partner organizations.
The M4O program will include the march, speakers, live music, interactive exhibits, and a flotilla of boats and kayaks on the Potomac River. Key platform priorities include: stopping reckless offshore oil drilling proposed by the Trump administration; reducing the flood of plastic waste that is killing ocean wildlife, and preserving coastlines in the face of rising seas and extreme storm events. For all of us who get so much from our ocean, coasts, lakes, and rivers - this is an opportunity to unite our voice and give something back.
The event follows Capitol Hill Ocean Week on June 5-7 2018 in Washington, DC, which brings marine policy leaders from around the world to discuss important issues that affect our oceans and Great Lakes. Join over 700 scholars, scientists, businesses and conservation leaders — all focused on ensuring that our stunning ocean and wildlife will be stunning generations to come with their beauty. Registration is now open for the free conference and Capitol Hill Day, convened annually by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
The Surfrider Foundation is looking forward to a strong presence at the March for the Ocean, with chapter members, staff and supporters traveling to our nation's capitol for the event. Surfrider's D.C. Chapter will also host a fundraising event that all visiting attendees are invited to attend. Finally, those who can't make it to Washinton D.C. are encouraged to 'Wear Blue for the Ocean' on June 9th and so there support in local communities and on social media.
The March for the Ocean is about the survival of our blue planet. But it’s also about the fact that it’s not too late to turn the tide and restore and protect what we love.
9 2018
8 AM - Paddle on the Anacostia River to welcome M4O & highlight how water connects every place to the Ocean. Every country is Ocean Country.
11 AM - Gather at the NW corner of the Washington Monument Grounds by 17th St. & Constitution Ave. (Closest Metro Station: Smithsonian/National Mall ) Look for the giant
blue whale & smaller pod of
11:30-Noon Special guest musician performance.
NOON - March past the White House and around Lafayette Square before returning to staging area (60-90 minute walk or approximately 1.5 mile loop). Wear comfortable walking shoes, blue clothing (Wear
Blue for the Ocean), a shade cap, ocean-safe sunblock and carry a canteen - this will be a
plastic free march. 
For those of you marching, march back down the route to clean up. We hope everyone will reduce, reuse, and recycle but sometimes trash makes its way to the ground. Help us ensure March for the Ocean prevents plastics and garbage from entering our waterways and ocean!
1:30 - 3:30 PM - Main Stage - Join with Dr. Sylvia Earle, Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau, Carl Safina, Danni Washington and many other ocean and water champions including artists and
musicians to celebrate our blue world and say NO to Offshore Drilling, NO to
Plastic pollution NO to rising seas and climate disasters and YES to job-generating
energy, YES to corporate accountability to reduce waste and YES to living protective shorelines a healthy ocean and clean
water for all! 
The Ocean Foundation · Blue Frontier Campaign · Mission Blue · Sierra Club · Ocean Conservancy · Earthjustice · World Wildlife Fund · Natural Resources Defense Council · Herbert W Hoover Foundation · Oceana · Defenders of Wildlife · one World/One Ocean · The Surfrider Foundation · Sea Save Foundation · Greenpeace · legal Sea Foods · Diver Alert Network · National Wildlife Federation · AU Center for Environmental Filmmaking · The Safina Center · Plastic Pollution Coalition · friends of the Earth · earthx · earth Day Network · clean Ocean Action · Captain Planet Foundation · Wyland Foundation · writers For the Sea · Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations · Restore America’s Estuaries · heirs to Our Oceans LINKS
& REFERENCE https://www.ecowatch.com/march-for-the-ocean-2562957165.html https://www.bonfire.com/marchfortheocean/ https://www.surfrider.org/coastal-blog/entry/march-for-the-ocean-set-for-june-9th-in-washington-dc https://www.facebook.com/marchfortheocean/ https://marchfortheocean.org/
