Battery servicing infrastructure for electric vehicles at Corby, UK



Bluebird Smart Cities 3.6 megawatt service station


EUROSTATION - BMS believe that each car should be able to support itself with instant energy exchanges, until such times as low-cost service facilities such as the proposed Bluebird Smart City 3.6 megawatt service station comes online. If you'd like advice on how to implement a scheme like this in your geographical remit, please contact us.


In California, the state Air Resources Board (ARB), the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR), and the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) work together with 35 local air districts and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to improve and protect air quality in the state.


Air pollution is a general term used to describe undesirable amounts of particulate or gaseous matter in the atmosphere. Air pollution can be natural or human-made. It occurs naturally during volcano eruptions, forest fires, or dust storms. This has been an occasional problem for humans. However, during the past hundred years, air pollution created by humans has become a major, persistant problem. In California, our cities are among the smoggiest urban areas in the country.


We can see some air pollutants such as the reddish-brown haze in smog; however, other air pollutants, including some of the most dangerous, are invisible. Very small amounts of these pollutants can cause serious health and environmental problems. Air pollution damages crops, reduces property values, and is harmful to humans - especially children and the elderly. Furthermore, a majority of the state's population resides in low-lying basins where air pollutants tend to persist.




USA Circular EV economics for sustainable clean motoring  



SUSTAINABLE EV SERVICING - This concept EV forecourt offers between 7.68 - 15.36MWh of solar assisted energy storage with a capacity of between 48-96 battery cartridges on a continuous charge cycle. Five of these stations (76.8MW) could recharge (refuel) up to 10 trucks or cars a minute at peak times.



During rush hour, up to 300* vehicles might be serviced in one hour if drivers don't dawdle, as in get out of their vehicles for any reason - there is no need using automated billing - but this would require registered users. The truck shown in these AutoCAD drawings is 3.55 wide x 3.5 high x 7.7M long (8 x 11.5 x 25 feet). This station could accommodate trucks 4.46M (14.77 feet) high as shown, or with a raised roof, almost any truck currently on the market - though longer thinner trucks are more fuel efficient.



During an eight hour day 2,400 trucks might be serviced using five forecourts on the assumption that we start every morning with 96 x 5 = 480 slow charged cartridges from off-peak supplies. The same forecourt might be used to service fuel-cell cars powered by stabilized hydrogen. One size fits all with agreement as to a universal cartridge format. Agreement is perhaps the next stumbling block that may require directives from the G20.


* Fastest theoretical exchange cycle @ one minute per exchange with drivers/passengers staying in their vehicles at all times.



Fossil fuel billionaires love coal, cancer and global warming





1. TRANSPORT: Phase out polluting vehicles. Government aims to end the sale of new petrol, and diesel vehicles by 2040 but have no infrastructure plan to support such ambition. Marine transport can be carbon neutral. Air travel should be limited.


2. RENEWABLESRenewable energy should replace carbon-based fuels (coal, oil and gas) in our electricity, heating and transport. Conventional energy exploration companies should consider a phased transition to green alternatives.


3. HOUSING: On site micro or macro generation is the best option, starting with new build homes that are both affordable and sustainable. Councils who empire build climate unfriendly houses must be stopped with legislation and enforceable penalties. 


4. AGRICULTURE: We need trees to absorb carbon emissions from a growing population, air travel, and to build new homes. We need to reduce food waste and promote less energy intensive eating habits such as no meat Mondays.


5. INDUSTRY: Factories should be aiming for solar heating and onsite renewable energy generation until the grid is all solar and wind powered.


6. POLITICS: - National governing bodies need to adopt policies to eliminate administrative wastages, to include scaling down spending on war machines, increase spend on educating the public and supporting sustainable social policies that mesh with other cultures. We need an end to local empire building kleptocrats.





What is the Business Assistance Program?

The federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 required all states to develop a program to assist small businesses to understand and comply with air quality control regulations. California’s 35 air pollution control or air quality management districts (Districts) are primarily responsible for regulating stationary (non-mobile) sources of air pollution and the ARB is primarily responsible for mobile and other sources of air pollution, such as consumer products.

Together, the Districts and the ARB offer California businesses a number of compliance resources including training courses, assistance with permitting, and referrals to financial assistance, including grant programs for early compliance with some regulations. Compliance assistance is sometimes offered through the enforcement division of a District or ARB.


Who Coordinates the Business Assistance Program?

ARB's Business Assistance Program is operated by the Office of the Ombudsman. Additionally, ARB's compliance training is operated by the enforcement division. One of the goals is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the regulatory process and the information needed to understand and operate within the regulations. The ARB Ombudsman will help you locate the correct contact person within ARB and/or in your local air district. We are here to serve. Please contact the Ombudsman and her staff at (916) 323-6791, 1-800-ARB-HLP2 (1-800-272-4572).

Para asistencia en Español, llame (916) 324-1503.





Erwin (Cannonball) Baker really started something when he flew cross country from LA to NY. Virtually the same route is used for the Cannonball International US Run planned for 2016 as per the Google Earth map shown.





ARB Grant Programs for Clean On- and Off-Road Vehicles and Equipment


These programs have hundreds of millions of dollars in grants available over the next several years to reduce emissions from on- and off-road vehicles and equipment.  Vehicle and equipment owners typically must apply for funds. While ARB is responsible for program oversight, some of these programs (such as the Carl Moyer Program) are implemented as a partnership with local air districts.


Air Quality Improvement Program (AB 118)

Carl Moyer Program


Voucher Incentive Program

Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program (AB118)

Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program

Loan Incentives Program

Lower-Emission School Bus Program / School Bus Retrofit and Replacement Account



Other Incentive and Equipment Grant Programs

A variety of other programs provide incentives for actions that reduce emissions, for technology demonstration projects, and other clean air initiatives.

California Parking Cash-Out and Federal Commuter Choice Programs

Convert Diesel-Powered Irrigation Pumps to Electric

Hydrogen Stations and Vehicles - Demonstration Projects

Incentives for Alternative Fuels and Vehicles

Innovative Clean Air Technologies (ICAT) Program

In-Use Diesel Stationary Ag. Engines

Non-toxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Program

Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program - Vehicle Scrap Programs

Other State and Federal Financing Information Links


The following links provide information regarding State and federal air quality financing opportunities.


Environmental Financing Resources for California Businesses

U. S. EPA Grants and Environmental Financing

On-Bill Financing for Small Business

SBA Guaranteed Loan Programs

SBA Direct Resource Packets


State Emission Credit Resources


The following links provide information regarding emission reduction crecdits and other offset programs.


Emission Reduction Credit Transaction Cost Summary Report

Interchangeable Emission Reduction Credits

Mobile Source Emission Reduction Credits Program

New Source Review / Offsets

Non-Toxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Program (AB998)

Power Plants (Guidance Resources)

Tax Credit Certification Information

(See also the District Rules Database for local air district credits programs.)




Service station provision to supply the town of Eastbourne


Google Earth map of Eastbourne (Project Devonshire) showing five locations as green dots, suitable as sites for experimental energy supply stations in furtherance of the Zero Carbon Britain aims for 2050. We need to think big now if we ever want to have a chance of meeting CARB aspirations. Corby in the North of England, has the will to want to provide energy for the vehicles of today. While doing so it makes sense to plan for the EVs of tomorrow.





The Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA) is the federal law passed in 1970, and last amended in 1990, which forms the basis for the national air pollution control effort. Basic elements of the act include national ambient air quality standards for major air pollutants, hazardous air pollutants standards, state attainment plans, motor vehicle emissions standards, stationary source emissions standards and permits, acid rain control measures, stratospheric ozone protection, and enforcement provisions.

From this page, you can access and the Act and follow the Air Resources Board's (ARB) recent activities and associated documents for Titles III and V.



Calilfornia Air Resources Board




California Air Resources Board
1001 "I" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812


Street Map to California Air Resources Board, Sacramento HQ


General Inquiries: (800) 242-4450 or email

Public Information Office (media inquiries): (916) 322-2990


866-6Diesel Hotline Programs


(866) 6DIESEL or (866) 634-3735

Diesel Off-Road On-line Registration System (DOORS)


(877) 59DOORS or (877) 593-6677

Drayage (Port Trucks)


(888) 247-4821

Portable Equipment Registration


(916) 324-5869

Transport Refrigeration Units (TRUs / Reefers)


(888) 878-2826

Air Pollution Complaints - General


(800) 952-5588

Air Pollution Complaints - Vehicles

(800) END SMOG or (800) 363-7664

Cap-and-Trade Program


(916) 322-7072




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Two progressive futurists, Elon Musk and Shai Agassi - both battery-exchange pioneers with Tesla Motors and the Better Place company. The problem with their systems is that there is no transitional arrangements. It's all in - and that is worrying to most potential EV motorists. One possible solution is an international version of the EuroStation.









Arabia - Jeddah to Dubai

Australia - Darwin to Adelaide

Brazil - Boa Vista to Rio de Janeiro

Canada - Vancouver to Quebec

China - Ai Hui Qu to Shenzen

Denmark - Skagen to Copenhagen

Egypt - Kings Valley Rally - Aswan to Alexandria

France - Calais to Toulon

Germany - Bremerhaven to Munich

India - Amritsar to Nagercoil

Italy - Turin to Reggio Calabria

Japan - Aomori to Kagoshima

Korean S. Smart City Rally - Seoul to Busan

New Zealand - Nelson to Invercargill

Nigeria - Maiduguri to Lagos


Russia - Murmansk to Bolshoy Sochi

South Africa - Cape Town to Louis Trichardt

Spain - Girona to Huelva

Sweden - Karlsborg to Gothenburg

UK - John o'Groats to Lands End (Jogle)

USA - Los Angeles to New York









Climate Change


Corby electric vehicle charging infrastructure


The green car website electric van unofficially sets record for distance traveled in one day




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