2022, heat waves swept across the planet, but did the G20 give a fig? Not
really, they appear intent on carrying on as usual. Borrowing to pay for
their political promises, then leaving office with higher National Debts,
and leaving the mess to the next buffoon. A good example of which is Boris
Johnson's comedy act. From 2010 to 2022, with the Conservatives in office, Britain's
National Debt has tripled. And the savings of hard working voters tumbled
in value. Britain's got poorer, as MPs profited personally from lying to
voters. The Head of State, Queen
Elizabeth, was duped by Bojo, and did nothing about it. More concerned
perhaps at the institution which she held together, is crumbling around
her, as the electorate wise up. Maybe
it's time we began eating
our politicians, like the Dutch did with the De Witts in 1672. Where some politicians
threaten to “have their opponents for
lunch.” Maybe, they should put their political flesh where their mouth is?
They might help out a little with the food crisis. Apparently, humans
taste like pork. During
her election campaign, Liz
Truss aims to carry on, business as usual. This, despite fuel and food
prices rocketing. She is making promises of growth, that any reasonably intelligent
politician would know, is unsustainable. It's piffle!
More than that, it is fraud. To get elected on false promises, and accept
money for that position in public office. Poor
old Liz. It's not really her fault. She must have been brainwashed by
senile Maggie. The Tories believe that the electorate are slaves to do
with as they will. Liz Truss is quoted as wanting the British workforce to
work harder. But they are already at breaking point. Just like Margaret
Thatcher, she is out of touch with reality.
trouble is most politicians around the world are just as bad. They don't
know when it's time to start confessing the truth, that we only have one planet,
and we've already spent that one. Perhaps we can borrow on the Moon?

(CHUMP) TRUMP - New York
President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday there is "some connectivity" between human activity and climate change and wavered on whether he would pull the United States out of international accords aimed at combating the phenomenon, which scientists overwhelmingly agree is caused by
human activity.
The statements could mark a softening in Trump's position on US involvement in efforts to fight climate change, although he did not commit to specific action in any direction. During the campaign, he vowed to "cancel" the US's participation in the Paris climate agreement, stop all US payments to UN programs aimed at fighting climate change and continued to cast serious doubt on the role man-made
carbon dioxide emissions played in the planet's warming and associated impacts.
"I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much," Trump said Tuesday in a meeting with
New York Times reporters, columnists and editors. He has previously called climate change a "hoax" invented by the Chinese.
Asked if he would withdraw the US from international climate change agreements, Trump said he is "looking at it very closely," according to
reporters Maggie Haberman and Mike
Grynbaum, who were live-tweeting the meeting. He added that he has "an open mind to it," despite explicitly promising to withdraw from at least one climate accord on the campaign trail.
Still, Trump's comments do not amount to a full reversal. The President-elect on the campaign trail repeatedly vowed to slash environmental protection regulations burdening US businesses and said that beyond the consequences to the planet, he is particularly mindful of the economic impact of combating climate change.
He said he is considering "how much it will cost our companies" and the effect on American competitiveness in the global market, according to a tweet from
Trump's election sparked concerns from climate change activists that the incoming Republican president will roll back the progress made under the
President Barack Obama
made inroads with other countries
- China in particular - toward new international agreements to roll back global carbon emissions, progress activist groups have worried will be undone by a Trump presidency.
"The disaster that Donald Trump
represents for the climate cannot be understated," Jamie
Henn, a spokesman for, an environmental advocacy group, told CNN last week. "He is the only head of state in the world who is an all-out climate denier and he has the most radical, anti-environmental policies of anyone to ever assume the role of the presidency."
While Trump's comments on Tuesday may suggest an ambivalence - if not a softening
- on the issue of climate change, the President-elect's actions suggest his election did not cause him to immediately abandon his climate skepticism.
Trump appointed a leading climate change denier Myron Ebell to lead his transition efforts on the Environmental Protection Agency and has not stepped back from his vow to slash environmental regulations he argued during the campaign are an undue burden on US businesses.
"Whether or not Trump acknowledges the connection between human pollution and climate change, the science is real. Climate change is happening, and fossil fuels are making it worse," Greenpeace USA spokesman Travis Nichols said. "No matter what he says, Trump's 100 days plan and his proposed Cabinet appointees put climate denial front and center in his administration and put the
and its people at risk."
By Jeremy
TRUMP - Back in a January interview with Fox News, before he clinched the Republican nomination, Trump said, “Climate change is just a very, very expensive form of tax. A lot of people are making a lot of money. I know much about
He added, “I often joke that this is done for the benefit of China — obviously I joke — but this is done for the benefit of China.”
On his official campaign website, Trump does not have a section focused on climate change listed under “Positions.” There is, however, a section on the candidate’s energy policy.
The Trump campaign website says the presidential hopeful will “make America energy independent, create millions of new jobs, and protect clean air and clean water.”
It says he “will conserve our natural habitats, reserves and resources,” and “will unleash an energy revolution that will bring vast new wealth to our country.”
Trump’s team writes that his administration would “rescind all job-destroying Obama executive actions,” including that “Mr. Trump will reduce and eliminate all barriers to responsible energy production, creating at least a half million jobs a year, $30 billion in higher wages and cheaper energy.”
The word climate change appears nowhere on the page. Trump has previously suggested he considers global warming a hoax “created by and for the Chinese,” as he put it in an oft-referenced 2012 tweet.
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012
In March he also told The Washington Post that he is “not a big believer in man-made climate change.”
But despite his public skepticism, Trump applied for a permit to build a seawall next to his golf course and hotel in County Clare, Ireland, to prevent erosion, according to a Politico report from earlier this year. In his application, he included an environmental impact statement that mentions “global warming and its effects.”
Trump’s stance on climate change would make him unique among world leaders if elected. A study from The Sierra Club that compiled statements from leaders of 195 countries found that Trump would be the only head of state to declare climate change a hoax.
COMMENT: So don't vote for him, or ask him if he is willing to heed the
advice of the experts!
CLINTON - “I believe in science. I believe that climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs,” Clinton said during her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in July.
On her official campaign website, Clinton has a section devoted to climate change under “Issues.” On the page, the campaign writes, “Climate change is an urgent threat and a defining challenge of our time. It threatens our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures.”
The page also states that the former secretary of state will “deliver on the pledge President Obama made at the Paris climate conference” and will not rely on “climate deniers in Congress to pass new legislation.” Her campaign says a Clinton administration would aim to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 30 percent in 2025 relative to 2005 levels and put the country on a path to cut emissions more than 80 percent by 2050.”
Clinton would likely have a lot of high-level help in fulfilling Mr. Obama’s climate change initiatives, given that one of the key actors on climate in his administration was her own campaign chairman, John Podesta.
Among the policies highlighted on the site, Clinton announces that she will launch a $60 billion “Clean Energy Challenge” that would partner with rural communities, states, and cities to cut carbon pollution “and expand clean energy, including for low-income families.”
"I believe that climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs."
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 29, 2016
Clinton supports cutting tax subsidies on oil and gas companies. The campaign also says she would create an Environmental and Climate Justice Task Force to focus on the “health, economic, and environmental impacts of pollution and climate change in vulnerable communities.”
CBS NEWS Oct 20 2016
- Where Trump and Clinton stand on climate change
The third and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Wednesday night in Las Vegas covered a wide range of issues from abortion to foreign policy to the national debt, but there was one glaring omission
- climate change.
Six months after world leaders signed the Paris Agreement, a sweeping accord designed to combat global warming, climate change was only brought up tangentially, in one brief moment, on the debate stage. It was mentioned early on as “a real issue” by Clinton in her answer to an unrelated question. Other than that, moderator Chris Wallace, of Fox News, did not pose any questions about climate policy and neither of the candidates brought up specific proposals about how they would handle the challenges it presents — despite this being a year of record-breaking temperatures, drought, and destructive storms.
On social media, some observers decried the absence of climate change discussion at any of this year’s debates. Paul Krugman of the New York Times called the oversight “really disgraceful.”
So, four debates; four shout-outs by moderators to deficit scolds; not one question about climate change. It's really disgraceful. — Paul Krugman
(@paulkrugman) October 20, 2016
We're at the final question of the last debate and climate change has not come up in a serious way once. Criminal negligence.
#debatenight — Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) October 20, 2016
It’s been 8 years since a debate question about climate change.
This is bigger than individual moderators. @debates needs new leadership. — Jamison Foser
(@jamisonfoser) October 20, 2016
Not a single presidential #debate asked a question about #climatechange, which touches all parts of running our country. Disgusting. — ClimateTruth
(@climatetruth) October 20, 2016
Oddly enough, the closest question to touch on the issue of climate change came from the red sweater-wearing,
meme-worthy audience member Ken Bone at the second presidential debate. An undecided voter, Bone asked the candidates, “What steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs while at the same time remaining environmentally friendly and minimizing job layoffs?”
In response, Trump said: “I will bring our energy companies back ... They’ll pay off our national debt. They’ll pay off our tremendous budget deficits, which are tremendous. But we are putting our energy companies out of business. We have to bring back our workers.”
Clinton specifically used the term “climate change” in her answer: “So I have a comprehensive energy policy, but it really does include fighting climate change, because I think that is a serious problem,” she said. “And I support moving toward more clean, renewable energy as quickly as we can, because I think we can be the 21st century clean energy superpower and create millions of new jobs and businesses.”
Beyond that exchange, climate change has largely been left out of discussion.
So, with less than three weeks to go until Election Day, where do the two candidates stand on climate change?
COMMENT: Do any of the candidates drive electric cars? Brian Mastroianni covers science and technology for
Will we ever learn? This is one massive climate change machine, some might
say for the super rich who could not give a fig about the environment.
And, where are all the lifeboats?
It's like the designers and operators want to re-create the famous sinking
in 1912. Just think of the carbon footprint making the thing.
When the gargantuan Harmony of the Seas slips out of Southampton docks on Sunday afternoon
(22-5-16) on its first commercial voyage, the 16-deck-high floating city will switch off its auxiliary engines, fire up its three giant
diesels and head to the open sea.
But while the 6,780 passengers and 2,100 crew on the largest cruise ship in the world wave goodbye to England, many people left behind in Southampton say they will be glad to see it go. They complain that air pollution from such nautical behemoths is getting worse every year as cruising becomes the fastest growing sector of the mass tourism industry and as ships get bigger and bigger.
According to its owners, Royal Caribbean, each of the Harmony’s three four-storey high 16-cylinder Wärtsilä engines will, at full power, burn 1,377 US gallons of fuel an hour, or about 96,000 gallons a day of some of the most polluting diesel fuel in the world.
In port, and close to US and some European coasts, the Harmony must burn low sulphur fuel. But, says Colin MacQueen, who lives around 400 yards from the docks and is a member of new environment group Southampton Clean Air, the fumes from cruise liners and bulk cargo ships are “definitely” contributing to Southampton’s highly polluted air.
“We can smell, see and taste it. These ships are like blocks of flats. Sometimes there are five or more in the docks at the same time. The wind blows their pollution directly into the city and as far we can tell, there is no monitoring of their pollution. We are pushing for them to use shore power but they have resisted.”
“The liners pollute, but the road traffic that they and the cargo ships generate is also huge,” he adds.
Royal Caribbean, the US owners of the Harmony of the Seas, said that the latest and most efficient pollution control systems were used and that the ship met all legal requirements.
Where bunker fuel is tax exempt, fuel for liners that serve no necessary
function - as they are a leisure item - should attract a special carbon
tax based on the country's they will visit. This "international
tax" should be used to offset climate change by way of a zero
interest fund to build solar and wind powered generating plants.

Industry body Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) added that companies had “invested significantly over the last decade to develop new technologies to help reduce air emissions”.
But marine pollution analysts in Germany and Brussels said that such a large ship would probably burn at least 150 tonnes of fuel a day, and emit more sulphur than several million cars, more NO2 gas than all the traffic passing through a medium-sized town and more particulate emissions than thousands of London buses.
According to leading independent German pollution analyst Axel Friedrich, a single large cruise ship will emit over five tonnes of NOX emissions, and 450kg of ultra fine particles a day.
Bill Hemmings, marine expert at Brussels-based Transport and Environment group said: “These ships burn as much fuel as whole towns. They use a lot more power than container ships and even when they burn low sulphur fuel, it’s 100 times worse than road diesel.”
“Air pollution from international shipping accounts for around 50,000 premature deaths per year in Europe alone, at an annual cost to society of more than €58bn [$65bn],” says the group on its website.
Daniel Rieger, a transport officer at German environment group Nabu, said: “Cruise companies create a picture of being a bright, clean and environmentally friendly tourism sector. But the opposite is true. One cruise ship emits as many air pollutants as five million cars going the same distance because these ships use heavy fuel that on land would have to be disposed of as hazardous waste.”
Nabu has measured pollution in large German ports and found high concentrations of pollutants. “Heavy fuel oil can contain 3,500 times more sulphur than diesel that is used for land traffic vehicles. Ships do not have exhaust abatement technologies like particulate filters that are standard on passenger cars and lorries,” says Rieger.
Southampton, which has Britain’s second largest container port and is Europe’s busiest cruise terminal, is one of nine UK cities cited by the World Health Organisation as breaching air quality guidelines even though it has little manufacturing.
“Up to five large liners a day can be berthed in the docks at the same time, all running engines 24/7, said Chris Hinds, vice chair of the Southampton docks watchdog group WDCF. “Pollution from the port is leading to asthma and chest diseases. We are now seeing more, bigger liners but also very large bulk cargo ships.”
According to CLIA, the cruise ship industry is now one of the fastest growing sectors in the mass tourism market, with 24 million passengers expected to sail in 2016, compared to 15 million in 2006 and just 1.4 million in 1980.
“The industry shows no signs of slowing down. It generated $119.9bn (£83bn) in total output worldwide in 2015, supporting 939,232 full-time equivalent jobs,” said a spokesman.
“The luxury sector is seeing the most amazing growth that it has ever seen in its history,” said Larry Pimentel, president of Azamara club cruises.
BARKER - Ineffectual
'Puppy-Dog' policies that were designed to make the party look good at the
important talks in Paris last year. Take a look at the state of British
roads to realize that the Pothole
Politics of this party are designed to pay off the big party
supporters to build battleships
and nuclear submarines
that we do not need, while ripping off their hard working tax payers - in not
providing the services they are charging for.
Lynne Featherstone, the
Democrats’ climate change spokesperson, said: “The role in itself is not the issue for me, but what it represents. It is a clear signal that you care about this issue and that you want someone around the table making the case for our environment and green issues in key government discussions.
“This prime minister has shown that he doesn’t want that and has downgraded our response to climate change. It’s short-sighted and wrong.”
DAVE DOES IT AGAIN, PARIS U TURN BETRAYS CLIMATE TALKS The prime minister is right. He concluded his speech at the start of the Paris climate change summit by saying:
“Instead of making excuses tomorrow to our children and grandchildren, we should be taking action against climate change today.” Friends of the Earth could not agree more.
So why is it that almost everything Cameron’s government has done on climate and
energy since being elected in May has moved us in the wrong direction, towards pitiful excuse-making when we come to look our children in the eye, let alone our grandchildren?
Though Chameleon Dave's father seems to have put the cat
amongst the pigeons
and now the Chameleon
has changes colour again, finally admitting
that he benefited from a Panama-based offshore trust set up by his late father.
After three days of stalling and four partial statements issued by Downing Street he confessed that he owned shares in the tax haven fund, which he sold for
£31,500 just before becoming prime minister in 2010.
He was though a Conservative
MP well before then!!! David Cameron has no plans to appoint a new climate change envoy, a role he created in the run-up to the landmark
Paris climate summit.
Opposition politicians said it showed Cameron had given up any pretence of leadership on climate change and that he was sending out the wrong signals by not filling the role.
Lord Barker of Battle was appointed in September 2014 to the position, which Cameron created days before he addressed a high-profile UN summit and warned climate change was “one of the most serious threats facing our world”.
CAMERON - What a waste of space his cabinet was, allowing Boris Johnson in
with a Brexit wedge to divide the nation. The UK is going backwards under
the Comedy
Clowns of September 2021. The only thing that Mr. Cameron was right
about, was that in the United Kingdom, we need a Written Constitution, to
get away from the corruption and injustices, perpetuated by the honours
Cameron told Barker in a letter last year that the role was an important post and thanked him for putting the UK in “such a strong position for international climate change negotiations”.
Barker, a loyal ally of Cameron who accompanied him in 2006 to the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard where the then opposition leader was famously photographed hugging a husky, stepped down from the envoy role and as an MP last year.
It was then unclear whether a new climate envoy would be appointed to replace him, but Cameron said in a recent written answer: “The focus now is on implementation [of the
Paris deal]. There are no plans to appoint a new envoy on climate change at this time.”
The shadow climate and energy minister, Clive Lewis, said: “The prime minister promised the greenest government ever but he is axing carbon capture, cutting energy efficiency, blocking wind power, threatening the solar industry and selling off the green bank.
“Now he’s giving up even the pretence of leading the battle against climate change, by abolishing the post of his personal climate change envoy only 18 months after creating it – a decision that the government didn’t even announce, in the hope that no one would notice.”

29 NOV 2015 As the last of the day’s climate marches get underway in the western reaches of North America, we will wrap up our live coverage of what has been a record-breaking day in global activism ahead of the
COP21 talks in Paris tomorrow.
More than 600,000 people have taken to the streets in 175 countries around the world to call for a strong deal in Paris that will see a swift transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Melbourne and London led the way, with 60,000 people and 50,000 people, respectively, joining marches. Figures including Thom Yorke, Emma Thompson, Charlotte Church and Jeremy Corbyn attended the London gathering.
Pope Francis and
Ban Ki-moon were among the people to donate 10,000 pairs of shoes to an installation in Paris to represent people who could not march because of orders imposed by authorities after the 13 November
7 2015 - Calling
climate change a defining issue of our time, United Nations
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today told top government officials that the
opportunity exists “to define our own destiny” at the UN climate
change conference (COP21) in Paris.
“In rising to the climate challenge, we can set the world on a
sustainable footing for generations to come, and lay the foundation for
prosperity and security for all,” he said at a High-Level ministerial
segment one week into COP21, which kicked off at the Paris-Le Bourget site
last Monday in the north-east of the French capital. Today, the second
week of negotiations begins, with the aim of reaching a new universal
climate agreement to limit global temperature rise to below two degrees
“A week ago, 150 world leaders stood here and pledged their full
support for a robust global climate agreement that is equal to the test we
face,” Mr. Ban recalled. “Never before have so many Heads of State and
Government gathered in one place at one time with one common purpose.”
Protests in Paris turned violent, with police arresting around 200 people after clashes with anti-capitalists and anarchists. Some activists allegedly hurled candles and bouquets from memorials to victims of the 13 November attacks. Organisers of the climate marches have condemned the violence. Barack Obama boarded a flight to Paris, where he said he will reaffirm the US’s support for France in the face of “barbaric attacks” as well as forge a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avert the worst ravages of climate change.
Climate talks will go on until 11 December, amid optimism among negotiators that an effective agreement can be reached. Let’s hope Paris can finish the year on a positive note.
Climate events are now underway on the west coast, with people gathering in Los Angeles and Vancouver.
There are tentative estimates of 25,000 people attending the climate march in Ottawa. Organisers expect more than 600,000 people worldwide have attended marches calling for fossil fuels to remain in the ground and for nations to shift to 100% renewable energy use.
Boeve, executive director of organiser, said: “The scale and diversity of today’s events are astounding. Worldwide people are ready for the end of fossil fuels and the dawn of renewables. World leaders can no longer ignore this urgent call for action as the climate crisis continues to unfold. It is time for them to stand on the right side of history.” The rather sedate gatherings taking place in the US and Canada are in contrast to the clashes between protestors and police seen in Paris earlier this week. French newspaper La Figaro has reported that some activists hurled objects from the memorial to those killed in the 13 November attacks at police. Candles and bouquets were launched in the direction of police, the newspaper said. Others responded, as “many people managed to form a human chain around the memorial to protect flowers and candles”, La Figaro reported (in French)., one of the major organisers of the climate marches, said that the clashes had violated a “nonviolent pledge that every group involved in the climate coalition here in France has agreed to.” It has distanced itself from violence but said it opposes any attempt to “unnecessarily clamp down on civil liberties.”
The official climate march in Paris was banned due to security concerns. Around 200 people were arrested during the subsequent clashes, with police using tear gas to disperse protestors.
Climate activists in the US and Canada haven’t been able to muster the kinds of numbers seen at marches in Europe and Australia (in particular), nor is there the celebrity impact of, say, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke DJ-ing for the crowd, as happened in London earlier.
But hundreds of people have shown their support for a shift to renewables across North America, including the White House,
New York and the Texas capitol building in Austin.

MARCH 2015 - The Antarctic shelf seas are a climatically and ecologically important region, and are at present receiving increasing amounts of freshwater from the melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its fringing ice shelves primarily around the Antarctic Peninsula and the
Amudsen Sea. In response, the surface ocean salinity in this region has declined in past decades. The team concluded that accelerating discharge from the
Antarctic Ice Sheet has had a pronounced and widespread impact on the adjacent
sub-polar seas over the past two decades.
LIMA - The meeting in Lima started in a buoyant mood, helped in part by pledges of nearly $10bn – including $3bn from the US – to the Green Climate Fund, a mechanism for rich countries to give financial aid to help the world’s poorest countries to cope with climate change.
to an article in the Guardian
newspaper, published on the 8th of July 2015, ExxonMobil, the world’s biggest oil company, knew as early as 1981 of climate change – seven years before it became a public issue, according to a newly discovered email from one of the firm’s own scientists. Despite this the firm spent millions over the next 27 years to promote climate denial.
The email from Exxon’s in-house climate expert provides evidence the company was aware of the connection between fossil fuels and climate change, and the potential for carbon-cutting regulations that could hurt its bottom line, over a generation ago – factoring that knowledge into its decision about an enormous gas field in south-east Asia. The field, off the coast of Indonesia, would have been the single largest source of global warming pollution at the time.

“Exxon first got interested in climate change in 1981 because it was seeking to develop the Natuna gas field off Indonesia,” Lenny Bernstein, a 30-year industry veteran and Exxon’s former in-house climate expert, wrote in the email. “This is an immense reserve of
natural gas, but it is 70% CO2,” or carbon dioxide, the main driver of climate change.
However, Exxon’s public position was marked by continued refusal to acknowledge the dangers of
change, even in response to appeals from the Rockefellers, its founding family, and its continued financial support for climate denial. Over the years, Exxon spent more than $30m on
think-tanks and researchers that promoted climate denial, according to Greenpeace.
Exxon said on Wednesday that it now acknowledges the risk of climate change and does not fund climate change denial groups.
Some climate campaigners have likened the industry to the conduct of the tobacco industry which for decades resisted the evidence that smoking causes cancer. THE
IT IN THE GROUND - The Guardian launched a petition urging the world's two biggest charitable funds to move their money out of fossil fuels.
You can help by pledging support.
CALL FOR CLIMATE ACTION International negotiators at the Lima climate change talks have agreed on a plan to fight global warming that would for the first time commit all countries to cutting their greenhouse gas emissions.
The plan, agreed at United Nations talks on Sunday, was hailed as an important first step towards a climate change deal due to be
finalized in Paris next year. The proposals call on countries to reveal how they will cut carbon pollution, ideally by March next year. let
us hope that this includes sustainable zero
carbon housing and smart
cities with an energy framework to support electric vehicles. Negotiators working on a deal to fight climate change
had agreed on just a single paragraph of text as the deadline loomed
large, casting a shadow over the prospects for a strong outcome in Lima. While negotiators descended on Lima in a positive mood, buoyed by recent commitments from the US and China, the talks have fallen into a rut.
“We are going backwards,” said Alden Meyer, who monitors the climate negotiations for the Union of Concerned Scientists.
SCIENCE - Starting 28 April, 2015, the University of Queensland is offering a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aimed at
“Making Sense of Climate Science
Denial”. This revelation is bound to please long-time campaigner Sir
David Attenborough.
The course coordinator is John
Cook, University of Queensland Global Change Institute climate communication fellow, and founder of the climate science myth debunking website Skeptical Science. Cook’s research has primarily focused on the psychology of climate science denial. As he
explains: "97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming; however, less than half of Australians are aware of humanity’s role in climate change, while half of the US Senate has voted that humans aren’t causing global warming. This free course explains why there is such a huge gap between the scientific community and the public. Our course looks at what’s driving climate science denial and the most common myths about climate change."
“I am not really sure that we will see a clear outcome coming here in Lima,” said the former Mexican president, Felipe Calderon, who addressed the meeting.
The text started at a reasonable 6 pages, ballooned to about 50 by
Thursday, with negotiators throwing in their objections to almost every single clause. Just one section, paragraph 34, on countries intensifying engagement in the years up to 2020, has been agreed by negotiators.
“You have got this weird dynamic where China has stood up with their president and president
Obama and committed to putting forward economy wide commitments but their formal negotiating position is that those kinds of commitments shouldn’t happen,” Meyer said.
- Had been speaking out against climate change since long before is was
fashionable . He is seen above at the European Parliament: Low Carbon summit in
Belgium. Prince Charles has been taking flak for speaking his mind for many years now,
pointing out the obvious to most people, that climate
change needs to be addressed.
There is also deep division about the next critical phase of a move towards a climate deal in
Paris: the March 2015 deadline for countries to announce what they will do to cut greenhouse gas emissions after 2020.
An additional sticking point is monitoring of those pledges. China in particular is opposed to an official audit of its pledges.
“Essentially China is saying ‘we will show you our cards but don’t read them’,” De Brum said.
The deal could be much weaker than needed to curb warming to 2C above pre-industrial levels, the agreed goal of the talks.
“One of the fundamental flaws of the negotiations is the lack of a clear global goal for limiting global warming based on science,”
said Lidy Nacpil of Jubilee South Asia Pacific from the Philippines.
“The Lima talks are setting us up to risk crashing that physical limit,” said Nacpil.
“ If countries are not required to make legal contributions on finance and technology there will be no justice - and if there’s no justice there cannot be a deal.”
DENIAL HYPOCRISY - According to reports, the Senate’s top environmental job is set to fall to Jim
Inhofe, one of the biggest names in US climate denial, but campaigners say Barack Obama will fight to protect his global warming agenda.
Oklahoma Republican Inhofe has been denying the science behind climate change for 20 years – long before it became a cause for the conservative tea party wing. Following midterm elections which saw the Republicans take control of the senate, he is now expected to become the chairman of the senate environment and public works committee.
6 2014 -
THE GUARDIAN Obama faces a fight to protect his climate change agenda after midterm results suggest Senate’s top environmental post will fall to Republican stalwart of climate denial.
However, advocates believe Obama will work to protect his signature power plant rules from Republican attacks, and to live up to his earlier commitments to a global deal on fight climate change.
“We think he sees this as a critically important part of his second term legacy and there is no reason why he should not continue to go forward on this... both domestically and around the world,” Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, told a press briefing.
The campaigners were less clear, however, how far Obama would be willing to fight to block the Keystone XL pipeline project.
Obama will get a chance to show he is still committed to fighting climate change during a trip to Beijing next week, where the US and Chinese are expected to announce new energy co-operation.
Extracting a pledge from China to cut emissions is hugely important now for Obama, who faces growing pressure from Republicans to demonstrate that other countries beyond the US – especially the high-emissions, rising economies – are acting on climate change.
“It is a domestic political imperative for the president to gain emissions reductions from China and other major emitters as much as it is an international policy goal,” said Paul Bledsoe, a climate change official in the
White House.
AND OFF THE RECORD - Ban Ki-moon and Barack Obama chewing the cud
on climate change. Ban has been a long time campaigner for common sense.
Maybe now the political will is strong enough to force industry to apply
the brakes.
“The president is under increasing pressure to gain emissions reductions from China and other major emitters in order to justify US domestic mitigation policy. That is going to be the spin Republicans put on it – that we are wasting our time with domestic emissions reductions because they will be swamped by developing countries’
Obama is going to feel that pressure the most from Congress. With his opponents now in control of both houses, the top slot on the Senate’s environment and public works committee passes from a climate defender, the California Democrat, Barbara Boxer, to
Inhofe. He published a book in 2012 calling global warming a hoax, and has compared the
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to the
A spokeswoman for Inhofe said his first concern was passing the defence budget, and that he would make no comment on his leadership roles until next week.
But if, as expected, Inhofe becomes the new committee chair next January, he will probably try to dismantle the EPA rules cutting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants – the centrepiece of Obama’s environmental agenda.
SAM - has finally got some fire in it's belly, with President Obama
going all out to try to restrain climate change.
Industry lobbyists and campaigners said Inhofe lacked the votes to throw out the power plant rules entirely.
Obama would also veto any such move, said Scott Segal, an energy and coal lobbyist with Bracewell & Giuliani.
“I’m not sure we have the votes to advance those across the finish line particularly if they are vetoed,” Segal told a conference call with reporters. Instead, he said he expected “tailored changes”, which could weaken the rules.
Bledsoe did expect, however, that Obama will sign off on the controversial Keystone XL project early next year.
Republicans have said approving the pipeline, built to pump tar sands crude to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, would be an early order of business.
Obama in his post-election press conference gave no indication what he would decide. But Bledsoe said:
“I actually believe the president is likely to approve the
pipeline and in the process deny Republicans a politically potent issue.”
From his perch in the Senate, Inhofe is expected to launch multiple investigations into the EPA – including Republican charges that the agency leaned heavily on a campaign group in drafting the proposed new rules.
But as committee chair, Inhofe is unlikely to indulge in quite the same level of theatrics on climate denial, said RL Miller, a
California lawyer and founder of the grassroots organising group, Climate Hawks Vote.
“I expect we are going to see less headline-grabbing efforts on the EPA and more of simply throttling their budget,” Miller said. “If he touches climate denial at all he is going to be ridiculed in public and in the media. If he is smart, he is going to be very quiet publicly, and it will be death by a thousand cuts in the kind of budget battles that people like Jon Stewart don’t pay attention to.”
Despite their upbeat postures, Tuesday’s results were a big setback for campaign groups which had invested an unprecedented amount in trying to elect pro-climate candidates to Congress.
The former hedge fund billionaire, Tom Steyer, spent nearly $75m on advertising and organising in only seven races, making him the biggest known single spender in these elections. Only three of his candidates won.
“There is no way to dance around the issue that in too many races we lost good allies,”
Michael Brune, the director of the Sierra Club, told a briefing. “We see those people being replaced by people that are against our values.”
But the environmental leaders blamed the poor showing on low turnout in an off election year – and continued to insist that climate change was becoming a top-tier issue.
They insisted their effort had put climate change on the electoral map – a big shift from 2012 when virtually no candidates would even utter the words climate change.
This time around, Republican candidates were forced to back away from outright climate denial, the campaigners said.
They noted Cory Gardner, the newly elected Republican Senator from Colorado, had appeared in campaign ads with
turbines, after earlier disparaging climate science. “Climate denial is an endangered species,” Brune said.
The United
Nations’ expert panel on climate science on Saturday finished a report on global warming that the UN’s environment agency said offers “conclusive evidence” that humans are altering the
Earth’s climate system.
The document, which combines the findings of three earlier reports, was adopted after all-night talks that went on until 5 am Saturday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). The scientists and government representatives on the panel, who jointly approved the document line by line, then rested for a few hours before resuming the session in Copenhagen to finish the document. The report is scheduled to be released to the public on Sunday.
Apart from discussing the human influence, the report is expected to describe how climate impacts, including melting
Arctic sea ice and rising levels, are already happening and could become irreversible unless the world curbs its greenhouse gas emissions.
The IPCC says scientists are now 95 per cent certain that the buildup of such gases from the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation is the main cause of warming seen since the middle of the 20th century.
IPCC vice chair Jean-Pascal van Ypersele wrote on Twitter that the report was adopted Saturday afternoon following round-the-clock talks.
The UN Environment Program said the report
“offers conclusive scientific evidence that human activities continue to cause unprecedented changes in the Earth’s climate.”
In an interview with The Associated Press, UNEP head Achim Steiner said the world has the technology and capacity to act, and needs to do so urgently. The cost of achieving emissions cuts increases exponentially with each year
“because you will have to make far more drastic changes in our economy,” Steiner said.
While the IPCC tries to avoid explicitly telling governments what they should do, the report will present scenarios showing that warming can be kept in check if the world shifts its energy system toward renewable sources like wind and solar power and implements technologies to capture greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
Lord Nicholas Stern, a professor at the
London School of Economics and the author of an influential earlier study, said the new IPCC report was the “most important assessment of climate change ever prepared” and that it made plain that “further delays in tackling climate change would be dangerous and profoundly irrational”.
“The reality of climate change is undeniable, and cannot be simply wished away by politicians who lack the courage to confront the scientific evidence,” he said, adding that the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people were at risk.

COLD HARD HOT FACTS - You can see from the above charts, that while
the UK and Russia have reduced their carbon output - and the US and Japan
have increased only slightly, China, India, South Korea and Brazil are
tripping the CO2 light fantastic. China is by far the biggest culprit, in
allowing their economy to run riot. No wonder Chinese workers have to
cycle to work wearing face masks. This kind of rampant coal burning is
totally irresponsible. In buying Chinese goods, you are encouraging them
to burn more coal.
Bill McKibben, a high-profile climate campaigner with, said: “For scientists, conservative by nature, to use ‘serious, pervasive, and irreversible’ to describe the effects of climate falls just short of announcing that climate change will produce a zombie apocalypse plus random beheadings plus Ebola.” Breaking the power of the fossil fuel industry would not be easy, McKibben said. “But, thanks to the IPCC, no one will ever be able to say they weren’t warned.”
The report calculates that to prevent dangerous climate change, investment in low-carbon electricity and energy efficiency will have to rise by several hundred billion
dollars a year before 2030. But it also found that delaying significant emissions cuts to 2030 puts up the cost of reducing carbon dioxide by almost 50%, partly because dirty power stations would have to be closed early. “If you wait, you also have to do more difficult and expensive things,” said Jim Skea, a professor at
Imperial College London and an IPCC working group vice chair.
“Rich governments must stop making empty promises and come up with the cash so the poorest do not have to foot the bill for the lifestyles of the wealthy,” said Harjeet Singh, from ActionAid.
The statement that carbon emissions must fall to zero was “game
changing”, according to Kaisa Kosonen, from Greenpeace. “We can still limit warming to 2C, or even 1.5C or less even, [but] we need to phase out emissions,” she said. Unlike CCS, which is yet to be proven commercially, she said renewable energy was falling rapidly in cost.
Sam Smith, from WWF, said: “The big change in this report is that it shows fighting climate change is not going to cripple economies and that it is essential to bringing people out of poverty. What is needed now is concerted political action.” The rapid response of politicians to the recent global financial crisis showed, according to Smith, that “they could act quickly and at scale if they are sufficiently motivated”.

The actor
Emma Thompson
(brilliant as Nanny McPhee) spoke at the event: “Every single person on this Earth has the power to change the world. And when we all come
together, our power becomes irresistible. Now we must use our power to tackle the biggest threat humanity has ever faced.”
Earlier, she is reported to have told the Guardian: “Unless we’re carbon-free by
2030 the world is buggered.” We could not agree more.
More than 300,000 marchers flooded the streets of New York on
Sunday in the largest climate change march in history, vaulting
the environmental threat to the top of the global agenda.
On a day of 2,700 simultaneous climate events from Melbourne to Manhattan, the US secretary of state,
Kerry, reinforced the
calls from the streets for action by calling on world leaders to take the threat of climate change as seriously as Isis or Ebola.
Organisers had called the day of protests in order to put pressure on world leaders
gathering in New York for a UN summit
on climate change on Tuesday. It will be the leaders’ first such meeting in five years.
Kerry, in remarks to foreign ministers of the 20 biggest economies, said climate change should be at the top of the
agenda despite competition from more immediate challenges.
“While we are confronting [Isis], and we are confronting terrorism and we are confronting Ebola, this also has an
immediacy that people have come to understand,” he said. “There is a long list of important issues before all of us, but the
grave threat that climate change poses warrants a prominent position on that list.”
Organisers claimed 570,000 people protested in 161 countries, from a handful of protesters in Aleppo, Syria, to the mega-march
by 310,000 through New York City – three times as many as the 100,000 people organisers had expected, and easily overtaking
the 80,000 who demonstrated for climate action in Copenhagen in 2009.
In Manhattan, the noisy, hopeful cavalcade of protesters – led by Hurricane Sandy survivors carrying placards of sunflowers and
Native Americans in traditional headdresses – took over the streets of Midtown, juggling, singing, blowing synagogue shofars
and conch shells, whistling and beating drums, with biodiesel-powered floats chugging along.
They hoisted a papier-mache representation of Mother Earth and a giant parachute emblazoned with monarch butterflies, and carried
signs reading “Melt chocolate, not polar ice caps” and “May the
forest be with you”.

Those at Sunday’s protests said their show of force could help to get the leaders to act.
“You can’t get 200 people together and not have something get out of it. It’s going to be huge,”
Ruffalo, a prominent supporter of environmental causes, is reported to
have told the Guardian. “I don’t know exactly the effect, but I promise you one, five, 10, 15 leaders are going to come out of it, and do something. Somebody is going to want to be a hero.”
Upper West Side mothers pushed expensive strollers alongside protesters carrying signs reading “angry pacifists”.
“I think it will make a difference,” said Tashina Red Hawk, aged 10, who wore intricately beaded traditional Sioux Indian dress,
and who lives on the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota. “But it would still be good to do all kinds of other stuff.”
She went on: “If you don’t take care of the land, it won’t take care of you.”
In London, organisers said 40,000 took to the sunlit streets and marched to the Houses of Parliament. The protest was peaceful,
although loud jeers rose up as the crowd passed both Downing Street and the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
In Melbourne, protesters paraded a giant puppet of the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott.
The People’s Climate March came two days before the US president, Barack Obama, and about 120 other world leaders
gather for the UN meeting on climate change.
The challenge for those leaders is clear: left unchecked, the world is on course for a 4.5C temperature rise. “For us that
means annihilation,” said Tony deBrum, the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands.
Annual carbon dioxide emissions rose 2.5% over last year, a new study found at the weekend. At those rates, that means the
global “carbon budget” – the amount governments can afford to emit without triggering catastrophic change – is likely to be
used up within just 30 years.
Di CAPRIO - hit the lectern at the State Department in Washington DC speaking at the "Our Ocean" conference to address environmental issues. Sporting a suit and tie, Leo talked about the importance of protecting the ocean after a video message from President Obama, which announced the president's plans to create the world's largest ocean preserve. Speaking to an audience of experts, scientists, and government officials, Leo said,
"What we need is sustained activism and courageous political leadership. We cannot afford to be bystanders in this
pre-apocalyptic scenario." It's a cause that's close to the actor's heart, as his foundation, The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, works toward preserving the Earth. During the conference, Leo pledged $7
million from the foundation to support conservation projects over the next two years.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced last week that June, July, and August were the hottest months on
record and that 2014 was on course to break the record for hottest year, which was set in 2010.
But the agenda for Tuesday’s gathering is uncertain. The UN has
said repeatedly the gathering is not a negotiation. That will take place in Lima in two months’ time, when diplomats will
enter the final stretch of long and difficult negotiations aimed at reaching an international agreement to cut the greenhouse
gases that cause climate change, by the time they meet in late 2015 in Paris.
The UN said it will use Tuesday’s gathering to press world leaders to do more: to cut more carbon and, for the rich
countries, put up more cash to help poor countries cope with climate change.
DeBrum said countries such as his, on the frontline of climate change, needed to see concrete signs that leaders were prepared
to make deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and put up the cash needed to help poor countries cope with climate change. He
said he was disappointed that leaders of some of the biggest polluters – China, India, Canada, and Australia – would not be
at the climate summit.
The day started in Melbourne, where demonstrators carried their giant Abbott in protest at his repeal of the carbon price.
This time the usual call-and-response of “What do we want?
Climate action. When do we want it? Now” was revised to “10 years ago”, for a crowd that felt it had already fought this
“I’m deeply concerned about my children’s future. They are the ones who will have to clean it up,” Victoria Marshall-Cerins
said. “Australia is now dragging its heels. From one of the world’s leaders, we’re now going backwards. We’re embarrassing.”
In London, the campaign group Avaaz, which helped organise the event, said 40,000 people attended, although other estimates put
the crowd at 27,000. A rally was held outside parliament, which the compere kicked off by asking the crowd: “Who’s sick of the
ice receding faster than David Cameron’s hairline?”

MIND THEIR HEALTH - China is by far the biggest culprit on the
world Climate Change stage. Their population is paying the price with
carcinogenic smogs. The administration is probably not too bothered about
losing a few million workers to the Big C, when they are doing their best
to limit population growth politically. Oddly enough, population control
is the most obvious way of damping down carbon dioxide output, until such
time as banking and investors are penalized tax wise, for plundering
mother earth. There should be a 30% Cleanup Carbon Tax (CCT) on profits
from coal and oil production to offset the eventual cleanup bill. CCT tax
should be levied the same way as VAT, and the money raised from CCT should
go directly to pay for medical treatments and compensation claims against
the states that are perpetuating this kind of suffering. The politicians
will do no such thing of course, because the funding for their election
campaigns would suffer - as invitations to the industrialists troughs dry
up. Have you not noticed how so many ex-politicians land themselves high
paid positions in big companies?
The bishop of London, Richard Chartres, gave the first speech. “We are tenants, and we must keep the Earth fit for our
children,” he said. “Climate change is a moral issue.”
The designer Vivienne Westwood railed against capitalism in her
address: “A triad of [fossil fuel] monopolies, banks and politicians are ruining the planet. If runaway climate change
kicks in then within a generation there will be very little habitable on the planet and the suffering will be unimaginable.”
Alice Hooker-Stroud, a scientist from the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, used the platform to argue that a
zero-carbon Britain was attainable with existing energy technologies. “We have huge renewable energy resources in the
UK,” she said. “Business as usual is not a possible future.”
In the crowd, Victoria Bamford, a 66-year old gardener from Wales, had left her home at 6am to reach the capital in time.
“We are on a knife edge now in every way,” she said. She had noticed changes in the climate in her work.
“You cannot rely on the seasons any more, and plants are getting stressed and ill,” she said. “I’m no bloody expert, but we have
to tackle the fossil fuel business, but I don’t think the government is doing anything.”
Nearby, 10-year-old Lauren [her mother declined to give her surname] from Oxford, was carrying a colourful homemade banner
which declared: “Tick tock climate clock – stop climate change now.”
The gay rights activist Peter Tatchell told The
Guardian: “Climate change is a global emergency – governments governments
must act soon.”

Leonardo di Caprio marched with Mark
Ruffalo; the UN secretary general,
Ki-moon, marched with the former US vice-president Al
Gore. At least three Democratic members of the Senate also joined. “People are now much more aware in all our countries of how important this topic is,” said the French foreign minister, Laurent
Fabius, who joined the march in Manhattan.
Ben Phillips, the campaigns director of the charity Oxfam, explained why his organisation took part: “In the past five
years alone, that’s since the last time leaders met to discuss climate change, 112,000 lives have been lost, 650 million people
have been affected by climate-change related disasters and half a trillion
dollars has been lost.”
He said the march was about keeping the pressure up on politicians. “If you ask the suffragettes, the civil rights
movement or the India freedom movement just 10 years in, 20
years in, ‘what have you achieved?’, they’d say: ‘Well we’ll keep on fighting until we win’, and so will we.”
Numerous marchers wore costumes, including a polar bear and small herd of gazelles. One of the latter, Merlin from Brighton,
said: “People are important, but animals are vital as well. We are here representing all the animals not here today.”
The London march ended with a minute of silent reflection,
followed by loud cheers.
In Paris, organisers said 25,000 people attended – heavy with
the knowledge that history would be made on climate, one way or another, in the city in a year’s time. Police put the attendance
at 8,000.
An Avaaz campaigner, Pascal Vollenwieder, said the global action was designed to restore the sense of momentum at the beginning
of a year-long campaign leading up to the Paris conference.
“This is just the starting point,” he said. “After Copenhagen, we had to show the people that there is still a climate

US secretary of state
John Kerry
issued a clarion call for the world to do to more to combat climate change, warning the
planet is being pushed to “a tipping point of no return”.
In his keynote speech in February 2014 the top US diplomat highlighted the fact that Asian nations, many of them low-lying, are particularly under threat from rising sea levels.
“Kerry will call on the global community, not just countries but individual citizens around the world, to do more now because addressing the threat of climate change will require a global solution,” a senior state department official
is reported as saying.
Kerry, who has long been a passionate advocate of the need to protect the environment, arrived in Indonesia late Saturday for bilateral meetings.
On Sunday he toured a mosque to pay tribute to the country with the world’s largest Muslim population.
Later he was to deliver his speech before Indonesian students and professors at a US-run centre in
Jakarta. It will be beamed live to other hubs on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
Kerry will make “the compelling and undeniable scientific case of this growing challenge that is pushing the planet towards a tipping point of no return”, the State Department official said, asking not to be named.
Global warming was threatening not just the environment, but also “the economy and our way of life”, the official said.
He will also “underscore the ways in which Asia is particularly impacted”, she added.
Along with the United
States, Indonesia, an archipelago of 17,000 islands, is one of the world’s biggest carbon emitters - in Jakarta’s case because of rampant
Kerry announced on Saturday in Beijing that China and the United States had agreed to share information on their efforts to combat climate change ahead of 2015 UN-led efforts to set emission reduction goals for after 2020.
Together the United States and
China account for some 40 percent of total emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
But traditionally they have been on opposite ends of the bitter debate on how to tackle the problem, with China maintaining it is still a developing country and should not be held to any international regime on emissions reductions.
Paris will host the 2015 UN climate change conference at which a new pact to cut global emissions applicable to all countries is due to be hammered out.
The Paris talks are aimed at reaching a deal to succeed the 1997 Kyoto treaty, which the United States never ratified, maintaining any global pact must include China. The
Kyoto protocol runs out in 2020.
The agreement to collaborate ahead of next year’s talks between China, the developing world’s largest emitter, and the United States, the developed world’s biggest greenhouse gas producer, could send a powerful signal to other developing countries to
clean up their
Currently developing countries account for some 55% of global emissions, with developed countries having made major efforts to cut carbon pollutants escaping into the atmosphere.
But much of those emissions come from manufacturing goods which are then exported to the developed world.
If little is done to reduce emissions from developing countries, experts fear that by 2030 they could account for as much as 60% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

a car smoked like the cruise liners in these pictures it would fail its
MOT as an old banger. There should be the ocean going equivalent of an
MOT for cargo ships, oil tankers and cruise liners. Or, the equivalent
of red diesel for shipping - a method of checking to see if operators
have been using outlawed dirty fuels. This and more was discussed on
Maritime Day in Morocco in October 2014

"They cannot be
serious about this clean air nonsense, I like the smell of diesel fumes
and the revenue it generates, mmmmm." "Our business backers would have
a fit if we imposed sanctions and think of our bank balances"
"Do you remember the
elevator scene with Peter Sellers as Inspector
ships and cruise liners are major polluters, pumping out millions of
tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Ships that are solar and wind powered
could change all that, but at the moment there is no political will to
even want to investigate the possibilities with studies, and/or test
projects aimed at the eventual phase in of truly clean ocean transport.

Swiss lead the world with PlanetSolar
as the flagship crusader pioneering zero carbon oceanographic research.
In September 2013 the ocean cruiser entered Paris after concluding their
Deepwater Gulf Stream project, in cooperation with Geneva
COP 21/CMP 11, Paris, France
COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1, Marrakech, Morocco
COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 2, Bonn, Germany
COP 24/CMP 14/CMA 3, Katowice, Poland
COP 25/CMP 15/CMA 4, Santiago, Chile
COP 26, Glasgow, Scotland
Guardian 2014 December 14 Lima-climate-change-talks-reach-agreement The
Guardian 2014 Lima climate talks fail to reach agreement
rapid-carbon-emission-cuts-severe-impact-climate-change-ipcc-report BBC
Express United Nations panel adopts landmark climate report
Guardian environment 2014 Sept 21 climate change protest melbourne
london new york
Guardian environment 2015 June 29 Barack Obama turns tables in davi
attenborough climate change interview

- The
patent Bluefish zero carbon development platform, is a proposal for a
robotic ocean workhorse
capable of relatively high speeds with a suitable hullform, or for ocean
cleaning duties as seen above. These designs could lead to clean ocean transport. The robot
ship uses no diesel fuel to perform whatever function it is programmed to
carry out, such as monitoring the oceans autonomously (COLREGS
compliant) 24/7 and 365 days a year - only possible with the revolutionary (patent) energy harvesting system. The
hullform could be adapted for zero carbon cruise liners. We would welcome
the opportunity to discuss the potential with international fleet operators.
It is estimated that this vessel
pays for itself in fuel saved every ten years. That is suggestive that
cruise ships may be run more profitably if zero
carbon, by design.
ADAPTABILITY - The solar assisted
DC50 equipped with the 60 second fast charge cartridge exchange system.
Solar assistance is worth around 200 free motoring miles a week. Cars with
the Bluebird™ fast swap system are perfect to demonstrate how service
stations might be implemented that are cheap to install and load level,
using either battery or hydrogen fuel cells for storage. At present this
is the only systems that allows a vehicle to swap between battery and fuel
cell technology at the flick of a switch.
